
Owens Information Transition

Owens cluster will be decommissioned on February 3, 2025. Some pages may still reference Owens after Owens is decommissioned , and we are in the process of gradually updating the content. Thank you for your patience during this transition

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Owens, Pitzer

SAOImageDS9 is a astronomical imaging and data visualization application. DS9 provides support for FITS images, binary tables, multiple frame buffers, region manipulation, and colormaps display options

Availability and Restrictions

The following versions of DS9 are available on OSC clusters:

Owens, Pitzer

WCStools is a program package designed for working with Images and the World Coordinate System. The aim of WCStools is to provide methods for relating pixels taken common astronomical images to sky coordinates.

Availability and Restrictions

The following versions of WCStools are available on OSC clusters:


Cell Ranger is a cell analysis library for generate feature-barcode matrices, perform Analysis for RNA samples. Cell Ranger works in pipelines for it's RNA  sequencing analysis which allows it to: process raw sequencing output, read alignment, generate gene-cell matrices, and can perform downstream analyses such as clustering and gene expression analysis.

Gateway, Owens, Pitzer

Join a Classroom Project

Your classroom instructor will provide you with a project and access code that will allow you to join the classroom project. Visit our user management page for more information. 

SUG Conference - April 14, 2021


The data transfer speed between OSC and another network can be tested.

Test data transfer speed with iperf3 tool

Connect to a data mover host at osc and note the hostname.

$ ssh sftp.osc.edu
# login
$ hostname
# the hostname may also be datamover01.hpc.osc.edu

From there, an iperf3 server process can be started. Note the port used.


Unblur is used to align the frames of movies recorded on an electron microscope to reduce image blurrig due to beam-induced motion. It reads stacks of movies that are stored in MRC/CCP4 format. Unblur generates frame sums that can be used in subsequent image processing steps and optionally applies an exposure-dependent filter to maximize the signal at all resolutions in the frame averages. Movie frame sums can also be calculated using Summovie, which uses the alignment resuls from a prior run of Unblur.


OpenCV is an open-source library that includes several hundreds of computer vision algorithms.

In December 2021 OSC updated its firewall to enhance security. As a result, SSH sessions are being closed more quickly than they used to be. It is very easy to modify your SSH options in the client you use to connect to OSC to keep your connection open.

In ~/.ssh/config (use the command touch ~/.ssh/config to create it if there is no exisitng one), you can set 3 options:
