STAR-CCM+ provides the world’s most comprehensive engineering physics simulation inside a single integrated package. Much more than a CFD code, STAR‑CCM+ provides an engineering process for solving problems involving flow (of fluids and solids), heat transfer and stress. STAR‑CCM+ is unrivalled in its ability to tackle problems involving multi‑physics and complex geometries. Support is provided by CD-adapco. CD-adapco usually releases new version of STAR-CCM+ every four months.
Availability and Restrictions
STAR-CCM+ is available on the Cardinal Cluster. The versions currently available at OSC are:
Version | Cardinal |
18.06.006 | X |
18.06.006-hbm | X |
18.06.006-mixed | X* |
18.06.006-mixed-hbm | X |
19.04.009-mixed | X |
19.04.009-mixed-hbm | X |
We have STAR-CCM+ Academic Pack, which includes STAR-CCM+, STAR-innovate, CAD Exchange, STAR-NX, STAR-CAT5, STAR-Inventor, STAR-ProE, JTOpen Reader, EHP, Admixturs, Vsim, CAT, STAR-ICE, Battery Design Studio, Sattery Simulation Module, SPEED, SPEED/Enabling PC-FEA, SPEED/Optimate, DARS, STAR-CD, STAR-CD/Reactive Flow Models, STAR-CD/Motion, esiece, and pro-STAR.
You can use module spider starccm
to view available modules for a given machine. The default versions are in double precision. Please check with module spider starccm to see if there is a mixed precision version available. Feel free to contact OSC Help if you need other versions for your work.
Access for Academic Users
Academic users can use STAR-CCM+ on OSC machines if the user or user's institution has proper STAR-CCM+ license. Currently, users from Ohio State University, University of Cincinnati, University of Akron, and University of Toledo can access the OSC's license.
Use of STAR-CCM+ for academic purposes requires validation. In order to obtain validation, please contact OSC Help for further instruction.
Currently, OSC has a 80 seat license (ccmpsuite, which allows up to 80 concurrent users), with 4,000 HPC licenses (DOEtoken) for academic users.
Access for Commercial Users
Contact OSC Help for getting access to STAR-CCM+ if you are a commercial user.
Publisher/Vendor/Repository and License Type
Siemens, Commercial
Usage on Cardinal
Set-up on Cardinal
We recommend to run STAR-CCM+ on only the compute nodes. Thus, all STAR-CCM+ jobs should be submitted via the batch scheduling system, either as interactive or non-interactive batch jobs. To load the default version of STAR-CCM+ module on Cardinal, usemodule load starccm
. To select a particular software version, use module load starccm/version
. For example, use module load starccm/11.02.010
to load STAR-CCM+ version 11.02.010 on Cardinal.
Batch Usage on Cardinal
When you log into you are actually logged into a linux box referred to as the login node. To gain access to the mutiple processors in the computing environment, you must submit your STAR-CCM+ analysis to the batch system for execution. Batch jobs can request mutiple nodes/cores and compute time up to the limits of the OSC systems. Refer to Batch Limit Rules for more info. Batch jobs run on the compute nodes of the system and not on the login node. It is desirable for big problems since more resources can be used. STAR-CCM+ can be run on OSC clusters in either interactive mode or in non-interactive batch mode.
Interactive Batch Session
Interactive mode is similar to running STAR-CCM+ on a desktop machine in that the graphical user interface (GUI) will be sent from OSC and displayed on the local machine. To run interactive STAR-CCM+, it is suggested to request necessary compute resources from the login node, with X11 forwarding. The intention is that users can run STAR-CCM+ interactively for the purpose of building their model, preparing input file (.sim file), and checking results. Once developed this input file can then be run in no-interactive batch mode. For example, the following line requests one node with 28 cores( -N 1 -n 28
), for a walltime of one hour ( -t 1:00:00
), with one STAR-CCM+ base license token ( -L starccm@osc:1
) on Cardinal:
sinteractive -N 1 -n 28 -t 1:00:00 -L starccm@osc:1
This job will queue until resources become available. Once the job is started, you're automatically logged in on the compute node; and you can launch STAR-CCM+ GUI with the following commands:
module load starccm starccm+ -mesa
Non-interactive Batch Job (Serial Run using 1 Base Token)
A batch script can be created and submitted for a serial or parallel run. You can create the batch script using any text editor you like in a working directory on the system of your choice.
Below is the example batch script ( job.txt
) for a serial run with an input file ( starccm.sim
) on Cardinal:
#!/bin/bash #SBATCH --job-name=starccm_test #SBATCH --time=1:00:00 #SBATCH --nodes=1 --ntasks-per-node=1 #SBATCH -L starccm@osc:1 cd $TMPDIR cp $SLURM_SUBMIT_DIR/starccm.sim . module load starccm starccm+ -batch starccm.sim >&output.txt cp output.txt $SLURM_SUBMIT_DIR
To run this job on OSC batch system, the above script is to be submitted with the command:
sbatch job.txt
Non-interactive Batch Job (Parallel Run using HPC Tokens)
To take advantage of the powerful compute resources at OSC, you may choose to run distributed STAR-CCM+ for large problems. Multiple nodes and cores can be requested to accelerate the solution time. The following shows an example script if you need 2 nodes with 28 cores per node on Cardinal using the inputfile named starccm.sim
#!/bin/bash #SBATCH --job-name=starccm_test #SBATCH --time=3:00:00 #SBATCH --nodes=2 --ntasks-per-node=28 #SBATCH -L starccm@osc:1,starccmpar@osc:55 cp starccm.sim $TMPDIR cd $TMPDIR module load starccm srun hostname | sort -n > ${SLURM_JOB_ID}.nodelist starccm+ -np 56 -batch -machinefile ${SLURM_JOB_ID}.nodelist -mpi openmpi starccm.sim >&output.txt cp output.txt $SLURM_SUBMIT_DIR
In addition to requesting the STAR-CCM+ base license token ( -L starccm@osc:1
), you need to request copies of the starccmpar license, i.e., HPC tokens ( -L starccm@osc:1,starccmpar@osc:[n]
), where [n] is equal to the number of cores minus 1.
We recommand using openmpi
for your parallel jobs. Especially, 17.02.007
version would not work with intelmpi
HBM Variants
Each version of STARC-CCM+ installed on cardinal also has a -hbm
variant. If running on the cpu
partition of cardinal, using this variant should run faster by utilizing the HBM memory on the nodes. Our tests show up to a 35% improvement by using this version. Running this on the cache or gpu partitions will not show any benefit.
Known Issues
Version: 15.02.007, 15.02.007-mixed
STAR-CCM+ 15.02.007 and 15.02.007-mixed with intelMPI would fail on multiple node jobs after the downtime on Mar 22, 2022. Please use openmpi instead.
starccm+ -np $SLURM_NTASKS -batch -machinefile ${SLURM_JOB_ID}.nodelist -mpi openmpi {your-input-file}
Version: 17.02.007
Issue: large parallel jobs fails randomly
Large parallel jobs with STAR-CCM+ 17.02.007 may fail with openmpi
provided by Starccm+ installations. Please call openmpi installed by OSC instead as:
... module load starccm/17.02.007 module load openmpi/4.0.3-hpcx export OPENMPI_DIR=/usr/local/openmpi/intel/19.0/4.0.3-hpcx srun hostname | sort -n > ${SLURM_JOB_ID}.nodelist ... starccm+ -np $SLURM_NTASKS -batch -machinefile ${SLURM_JOB_ID}.nodelist -mpi openmpi {your-input-file}... ...
Version: 18.02.010
Issue: IntelMPI not supported on glibc 2.17. Use OpenMPI instead.