
Tinker is a molecular modeling package. Tinker provides a general set of tools for molecular mechanics and molecular dynamics.

Availability and Restrictions


Tinker is available on Cardinal and Pitzer. The versions currently installed at OSC are

Version Cardinal Pitzer
8.10.5   X*
8.11.3 X X
* Current default version

You can use module spider tinker to view available modules for a given machine. Feel free to contact OSC Help if you need other versions for your work.


Tinker is available to all OSC users. If you have any questions, please contact OSC Help.

Publisher/Vendor/Repository and License Type

Tinker Core Development Consortium


Usage on Cardinal


To configure your environment for use of Tinker, you may first need to load the correct compiler. Use module spider tinker to see the compatable compilers. Then load a compatable compiler by runningmodule load compiler/version.

Then use the command module load tinker. This will load the default version of Tinker. To select a particular version, use module load tinker/version .


For example, execute module load intel/2021.10.0 then module load tinker/8.11.3 to load Tinker version 8.11.3 on Cardinal.

Usage on Pitzer


To configure your environment for use of Tinker, you may first need to load the correct compiler. Use module spider tinker to see the compatable compilers. Then load a compatable compiler by runningmodule load compiler/version.

Then use the command module load tinker. This will load the default version of Tinker. To select a particular version, use module load tinker/version .


For example, execute module load intel/2021.10.0 then module load tinker/8.11.3 to load Tinker version 8.11.3 on Pitzer.


Further Reading
