TAU Commander is a user interface for the TAU Performance System, a set of tools for analyizing the performance of parallel programs.
Availability and Restrictions
TAU Commander is available on the Pitzer Cluster. The versions currently available at OSC are:
Version | Pitzer |
1.3.0 | X* |
You can use module spider taucmdr
to view available modules for a given machine. Feel free to contact OSC Help if you need other versions for your work.
TAU Commander is available to all OSC users. If you have any questions, please contact OSC Help.
Publisher/Vendor/Repository and License Type
ParaTools, Inc., Open source
Usage on Pitzer
To configure your enviorment for use of TAU Commander, use command module load taucmdr
. This will load the default version.
Creating a project
The first step to use TAU Commander on your code is to create and configure a project. To create a project, use the command tau initalize
. Additional options for compilers, MPI libraries, measurements. etc. are available.
For instance, to configure for Intel compilers use the command tau initialize --compilers Intel
and to configure for MPI use tau initialize --mpi
For more details about how to initialize your project use the command tau help initialize
After running creating the project you should see a dashboard for your project with a target, application, and 3 default measurements. You can now create additional measurements or modify the application and target. See the TAU Commander user guide for more information about how to configure your project.
Compiling and Running your Code
To compile your code to run with TAU Commander, just add tau
before the compiler. For instance, if you are compiling with gcc
now compile with tau gcc
. Similarly, when you run your code add tau before the run command. So, if you usually run with srun -N 2 -n 4 ./my_prog
now run with tau srun -N 2 -n 4 -- ./my_prog
. Each time the program is run with tau
prepended, a new trial is created in the project with performance data for that run. See man srun
or the srun documenation for information on arguements used above.
- view the data in text format (not always available),
- view the data in a GUI using an OnDemand VDI (Virtual Desktop Interface) or X11 forwarding enabled,
- or export the data to your local machine (requires minimal installation of TAU commander on your local machine).
tau trial show trial_number
To export the data:
tau trial export trial_number