The available programs are ABAQUS/CAE, ABAQUS/Standard and ABAQUS/Explicit. The versions currently available at OSC are:
OSC's ABAQUS license can only be used for educational, institutional, instructional, and/or research purposes. Only users who are faculty, research staff, or students at the following institutions are permitted to utilized OSC's license:
Users from additional degree granting academic institutions may request to be added to this list per a cost by contacting OSC Help.
The use of ABAQUS for academic purposes requires validation. In order to obtain validation, please contact OSC Help for further instruction.
ABAQUS software usage is monitored though a token-based license manager. This means every time you run an ABAQUS job, tokens are checked out from our pool for your usage. To ensure your job is only started when its required ABAQUS tokens are available it is important to include a software flag within your job script's SBATCH directives. A minimum of 5 tokens are required per job, so a 1 node, 1 processor ABAQUS job would need the following SBATCH software flag: #SBATCH -L abaqus@osc:5
. Jobs requiring more cores will need to request more tokens as calculated with the formula: M = int(5 x N^0.422)
, where N is the total number of cores. For common requests, you can refer to the following table:
Set-up on Cardinal
To load the default version of ABAQUS, use
module load abaqus
. To select a particular software version, use
module load abaqus/version
. For example, use
module load abaqus/2022
to load ABAQUS version 2022.
Example input data files are available with the ABAQUS release. The abaqus fetch
utility is used to extract these input files for use. For example, to fetch input files for one of the sample problems including 4 input files, type:
abaqus fetch job=knee_bolster
abaqus fetch job=knee_bolster_ef1
abaqus fetch job=knee_bolster_ef2
abaqus fetch job=knee_bolster_ef3
Also, use the abaqus help
utility to list all the abaqus execution procedures.
Batch Usage on Cardinal
When you log into you are actually logged into a linux box referred to as the login node. To gain access to the mutiple processors in the computing environment, you must submit your ABAQUS analysis to the batch system for execution. Batch jobs can request mutiple nodes/cores and compute time up to the limits of the OSC systems. Refer to Batch Limit Rules for more info.
Interactive Batch Session
For an interactive batch session on Cardinal, one can run the following command:
sinteractive -A <project-account> -N 1 -n 28 -t 1:00:00 -L abaqus@osc:20
which gives you 28 cores (
-N 1 -n 28
) for 1 hour (
-t 1:00:00
). You may adjust the numbers per your need.
Non-interactive Batch Job (Serial Run)
A batch script can be created and submitted for a serial or parallel run. You can create the batch script using any text editor you like in a working directory on the system of your choice.
Below is the example batch script ( job.txt
) for a serial run:
#SBATCH --time=1:00:00
#SBATCH --nodes=1 --ntasks-per-node=1
#SBATCH -L abaqus@osc:5
#SBATCH --account=<project-account>
# The following lines set up the ABAQUS environment
module load abaqus
cp *.inp $TMPDIR
abaqus job=knee_bolster interactive
# Now, copy data (or move) back once the simulation has completed
In order to run it via the batch system, submit the job.txt
file with the command: qsub job.txt
- Make sure to copy all the files needed (input files, restart files, user subroutines, python scripts etc.) from your work directory (
) to $TMPDIR
, and copy your results back at the end of your script. Running your job on $TMPDIR
ensures maximum efficiency.
- The keyword
is required in the execution line abaqus job=knee_bolster interactive
for the following reason: If left off, ABAQUS will background the simulation process. Backgrounding a process in the OSC environment will place it outside of the batch job and it will receive the default 1 hour of CPU time and corresponding default memory limits. The keyword interactive
in this case simply tells ABAQUS not to return until the simulation has completed.
- The name of the input file is sometimes omitted in the execution line, which may work fine if you've copied only the input files for one specific model. However, it is better practice to designate the main input file explicitly by adding
to the execution line: abaqus job=knee_bolster input=<my_input_file_name>.inp interactive
- Define
(1<=cores<=28 for Owens) for a serial run.
- If cores > 1, add
to the execution line, where n=cores: abaqus job=test input=<my_input_file_name1>.inp cpus=<n> interactive
Non-interactive Batch Job (Parallel Run)
Note: abaqus will not run correctly in parallel with input files in $TMPDIR! Use the scratch file system.
Below is an example batch script ( job.txt
) for a parallel run:
#SBATCH --time=1:00:00
#SBATCH --nodes=2 --ntasks-per-node=28 --gres=pfsdir
#SBATCH -L abaqus@osc:27
#SBATCH --account=<project-account>
# The following lines set up the ABAQUS environment
module load abaqus
# Cope input files to /fs/scratch and run Abaqus there
cp *.inp $PFSDIR
# Run ABAQUS, note that in this case we have provided the names of the input files explicitly
abaqus job=test input=<my_input_file_name1>.inp cpus=$SLURM_NTASKS interactive
# Now, move data back once the simulation has completed
- If you request a partial node for a serial job (cores<28), you need to add 'mp_mode=threads' option in order to get the full performance.
- Specify
in the execution line, where n=nodes*cores.
- Everything else is similar to the serial script above.
- Usage of a user-defined material (UMAT) script in Fortran is limited on Owens as follows:
- abaqus 2017: correctly running on single and multi-nodes
- abaqus 6.14 and 2016: correctly running on a single node.
Configuring MPI Environment
- Choosing MPI: Create an Abaqus environment file named
in the home or working directory, and add one of the following lines to specify the MPI implementation:
- For IMPI:
mp_mpi_implementation = IMPI
- For PMPI:
mp_mpi_implementation = PMPI
Configuring IMPI: If using IMPI, it is necessary to set the correct bootstrap method. Add the environment variable: I_MPI_HYDRA_BOOTSTRAP=ssh
You may encounter the following error when running Abaqus with PMPI:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "SMAPylModules/SMAPylDriverPy.m/src/", line 263, in run
File "SMAPylModules/SMAPylDriverPy.m/src/", line 214, in analyze
File "SMAPylModules/SMAPylDriverPy.m/src/", line 36, in runXpl
File "SMAPylModules/SMAPylDriverPy.m/src/", line 575, in run
File "SMAPylModules/SMAPylDriverPy.m/src/", line 567, in _run
driverExceptions.AbaqusExecutionError: ('Abaqus/Explicit Analysis', 255, 'knee_bolster_nsm')
slurmstepd: error: Detected 1 oom_kill event in StepId=2822.batch. Some of the step tasks have been OOM Killed.
Cause of the Error
This error occurs because the job is terminated due to the MPI process abnormally running out of memory. This triggers an Out-of-Memory (OOM) event, leading to Slurm job termination.
Affected versions
2022 and 2024
Switch to the default MPI implementation (IntelMPI) to run the job. This avoids the memory issue associated with PMPI.