OSC's high performance computing (HPC) and networking resources create an innovative teaching and research environment.
Research using OSC resources spans a variety of disciplines—medicine, business, computer science, economics, engineering, chemistry, mathematics, physics and more.
OSC staff assist faculty and student researchers by providing workshops, one-on-one classes, web-based training and materials:
- Watch our prerecorded new user training
- Sign up for a live “Intro to Supercomputing at OSC” webinar
- Read our new user guide
- Sign up for a 1-on-1 virtual consultation
- Visit our training page to view a full list of opportunities
Classroom Support
Classroom accounts are available for instructors who want to incorporate HPC resources into courses. Our Classroom Project Resource Guide explains how to set up an account and provide easy access to students.
Youth Outreach
Ohio high school and junior high school students step into the world of high performance computing and networking during OSC's annual STEM Institute (SI) and the Youth STEM Institute (YSI).
STEM Institute
The STEM Institute (SI) is a two-week summer camp for Ohio's brightest high school freshmen and sophomores. Participants experience the dynamic fields of high performance computing and network firsthand. OSC employs a faculty of experts in HPC, networking, engineering and the sciences to teach students computing fundamentals such as programming language, parallel processing techniques and visualization toolkits.
Youth STEM Institute
Youth STEM Institute (YSI) is a week-long program sponsored by OSC for middle-school students in Ohio. It is designed to promote computer, math, science and engineering skills as well as provide hands-on experiences. YSI helps students develop an interest in these subjects by allowing them to work on a practical, interesting scientific problem using the latest computer technology.
Educational Presentations and Materials
Tours: OSC's visit page provides links to our virtual data center tour and a form to request an in-person tour of our Columbus facility.
Presentations: Alan Chalker, director of strategic programs, offers a lecture titled "What's so Super About Supercomputing." Attendees discover the field of supercomputing and the real-world applications of the world's fastest, most advanced computers. Watch a recording of the presentation or request an in-person, interactive version.
Activity Book: View OSC's new activity book for all ages, "What's So Super About Supercomputing."
Getting Started
Please send an inquiry to oschelp@osc.edu with a brief description of the services that you have an interest in and your contact information.