
Owens Information Transition

Owens cluster will be decommissioned on February 3, 2025. Some pages may still reference Owens after Owens is decommissioned , and we are in the process of gradually updating the content. Thank you for your patience during this transition



OSCusage is command developed at OSC for use on OSC's systems.  It allows for a user to see information on their project's usage, including different users and their jobs.


owens PITZER



OSCusage takes the following options and parameters.

$ OSCusage --help
usage: OSCusage.py [-h] [-u USER]
                   [-s {opt,pitzer,glenn,bale,oak,oakley,owens,ruby}] [-A]
                   [-P PROJECT] [-q] [-H] [-r] [-n] [-v]
                   [start_date] [end_date]

positional arguments:
  start_date            start date (default: 2021-03-16)
  end_date              end date (default: 2021-03-17)

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -u USER, --user USER  username to run as. Be sure to include -P or -A.
                        (default: amarcum)
  -s {opt,pitzer,glenn,bale,oak,oakley,owens,ruby}, --system {opt,pitzer,glenn,bale,oak,oakley,owens,ruby}
  -A                    Show all
  -P PROJECT, --project PROJECT
                        project to query (default: PZS0712)
  -q                    show user data
  -H                    show hours
  -r                    show raw
  -n                    show job ID
  -v                    do not summarize
  -J, --json Print data as JSON
  -C, --current-unbilled   show current unbilled usage 
  -p {month,quarter,annual}, --period {month,quarter,annual}   Period used when showing unbilled usage (default:   month)
  -N JOB_NAME, --job-name JOB_NAME
                        Filter jobs by job name, supports substring match and
                        regex (does not apply to JSON output)

Usage Examples:

    Specify start time:
        OSCusage 2018-01-24

    Specify start and end time:
        OSCusage 2018-01-24 2018-01-25

    View current unbilled usage:
        OSCusage -C -p month

Today's Usage

Running OSCusage with no options or parameters specified will provide the usage information in Dollars for the current day.

$ OSCusage
----------------  ------------------------------------
                  Usage Statistics for project PZS0712
Time              2021-03-16 to 2021-03-17
PI                guilfoos@osc.edu
Remaining Budget  -1.15
----------------  ------------------------------------

User          Jobs    Dollars    Status
------------  ------  ---------  --------
amarcum       0       0.0        ACTIVE
amarcumtest   0       0.0        ACTIVE
amarcumtest2  0       0.0        ACTIVE
guilfoos      0       0.0        ACTIVE
hhamblin      0       0.0        ACTIVE
kcahill       0       0.0        ACTIVE
wouma         0       0.0        ACTIVE
xwang         12      0.0        ACTIVE
--            --      --
TOTAL         12      0.0

Usage in Timeframe

If you specify a timeframe you can get utilization information specifically for jobs that completed within that period.

$ OSCusage 2020-01-01 2020-07-01 -H
----------------  ------------------------------------
                  Usage Statistics for project PZS0712
Time              2020-01-01 to 2020-07-01
PI                Brian Guilfoos <guilfoos@osc.edu>
Remaining Budget  -1.15
----------------  ------------------------------------

User          Jobs    core-hours    Status
------------  ------  ------------  ----------
amarcum       86      260.3887      ACTIVE
amarcumtest   0       0.0           ACTIVE
amarcumtest2  0       0.0           RESTRICTED
guilfoos      9       29.187        ACTIVE
hhamblin      1       1.01          ACTIVE
kcahill       7       40.5812       ACTIVE
wouma         63      841.2503      ACTIVE
xwang         253     8148.2638     ACTIVE
--            --      --
TOTAL         419     9320.681

Show only a single user's usage

Specify -q to show only the current user's usage. This stacks with -u to specify which user you want to see.

$ OSCusage -u xwang -q 2020-01-01 2020-07-01 -H
----  -------------------------------
      Usage Statistics for user xwang
Time  2020-01-01 to 2020-07-01
----  -------------------------------

User    Jobs    core-hours    Status
------  ------  ------------  --------
xwang   253     8148.2638     -
--      --      --
TOTAL   253     8148.2638

Show a particular project

By default, the tool shows your default (first) project. You can use -P to specify which charge code to report on.

$ OSCusage -P PZS0200 -H
----------------  ------------------------------------
                  Usage Statistics for project PZS0200
Time              2020-09-13 to 2020-09-14
PI                David Hudak <dhudak@osc.edu>
Remaining Budget  0
----------------  ------------------------------------

User        Jobs    core-hours    Status
----------  ------  ------------  ----------
adraghi     0       0.0           ARCHIVED
airani      0       0.0           ARCHIVED
alingg      0       0.0           ARCHIVED


You can show all of your charge codes/projects at once, by using -A .

Select a particular cluster

By default, all charges are shown in the output. However, you can filter to show a particular system with -s .

$ OSCusage -s pitzer -H
----------------  ------------------------------------
                  Usage Statistics for project PZS0712
Time              2021-03-16 to 2021-03-17
PI                guilfoos@osc.edu
Remaining Budget  -1.15
----------------  ------------------------------------

User          Jobs    core-hours    Status
------------  ------  ------------  --------
amarcum       0       0.0           ACTIVE
amarcumtest   0       0.0           ACTIVE
amarcumtest2  0       0.0           ACTIVE
guilfoos      0       0.0           ACTIVE
hhamblin      0       0.0           ACTIVE
kcahill       0       0.0           ACTIVE
wouma         0       0.0           ACTIVE
xwang         0       0.0           ACTIVE
--            --      --
TOTAL         0       0.0

Changing the units reported

The report can show usage dollars. You can elect to get usage in core-hours using -H or raw seconds using -r

$ OSCusage 2020-01-01 2020-07-01 -r
----------------  ------------------------------------
                  Usage Statistics for project PZS0712
Time              2020-01-01 to 2020-07-01
PI                Brian Guilfoos <guilfoos@osc.edu>
Remaining Budget  -1.15
----------------  ------------------------------------

User          Jobs    raw_used    Status
------------  ------  ----------  ----------
amarcum       86      937397.0    ACTIVE
amarcumtest   0       0.0         ACTIVE
amarcumtest2  0       0.0         RESTRICTED
guilfoos      9       105073.0    ACTIVE
hhamblin      1       3636.0      ACTIVE
kcahill       7       146092.0    ACTIVE
wouma         63      3028500.0   ACTIVE
xwang         253     29333749.0  ACTIVE
--            --      --
TOTAL         419     33554447.0

Detailed Charges Breakdown

Specify -v to get detailed information jobs.

You can add the -n option to the -v option to add the job ID to the report output. OSCHelp will need the job ID to answer any questions about a particular job record.

Please contact OSC Help with questions. 
