
Owens Information Transition

Owens cluster will be decommissioned on February 3, 2025. Some pages may still reference Owens after Owens is decommissioned , and we are in the process of gradually updating the content. Thank you for your patience during this transition

HOWTO: Identify users on a project account and check status

An eligible principal investigator (PI) heads a project account and can authorize/remove user accounts under the project account (please check our Allocations and Accounts documentation for more details). This document shows you how to identify users on a project account and check the status of each user. 

Identify Users on a Project Account

If you know the project acccount

If the project account (projectID) is known, the OSCgetent command will list all users on the project:

$ OSCgetent group projectID

The returned information is in the format of:

projectID:*:gid: list of user IDs

gid is the group identifier number unique for the project account projectID. 

For example, the command OSCgetent group PZS0712 lists all users on the project account PZS0712 as below:

$ OSCgetent group PZS0712

Multiple groups can also be queried at once.

For Example, the command OSCgetent group PZS0712 PZS0726 lists all users on both PZS0712 and PZS0726:


Details on a project can also be obtained along with the user list using the OSCfinger command.

$ OSCfinger -g projectID 

This returns:

Group: projectID                                  GID: XXXX
Status: 'active/restricted/etc'                   Type: XX
Principal Investigator: 'PI email'                Admins: NA
Members: 'list of users'
Category: NA
Institution: 'affliated institution'
Description: 'short description'

If you don't know the project acccount, but know the username

If the project account is not known, but the username is known, use the  OSCfinger command to list all of the groups the user belongs to:

OSCfinger username

The returned information is in the format of:

Login: username                                   Name: First Last
Directory: home directory path                    Shell: /bin/bash
E-mail: user's email address
Primary Group: user's primary project
Groups: list of projects and other groups user is in
Password Changed: date password was last changed  Password Expires: date password expires
Login Disabled: TRUE/FALSE                             Password Expired: TRUE/FALSE
Current Logins:
Displays if user is currently logged in and from where/when

For example, with the username as amarcum, the command OSCfinger amarcum returns the information as below:

$ OSCfinger amarcum
Login: amarcum                                    Name: Antonio Marcum
Directory: /users/PZS0712/amarcum                 Shell: /bin/bash
E-mail: amarcum@osc.edu
Primary Group: PZS0712
Groups: sts,ruby,l2supprt,oscall,clntstf,oscstaff,clntall,PZS0712,PZS0726
Password Changed: May 12 2019 15:47 (calculated)  Password Expires: Aug 11 2019 12:05 AM
Login Disabled: FALSE                             Password Expired: FALSE
Current Logins:
On since Mar 07 2019 12:12 on pts/14 from pitzer-login01.hpc.osc.edu

If you don't know either the project account or user account

If the project account or username is not known, use the OSCfinger -e command with the '-e' flag to get the user account based on the user's name.

Use the following command to list all of the user accounts associated with a First and Last name:

$ OSCfinger -e 'First Last'

For example, with user's first name as Summer and last name as Wang, the command

OSCfinger -e 'Summer Wang' returns the information as below:

$ OSCfinger -e 'Summer Wang'
Login: xwang                                      Name: Summer Wang
Directory: /users/oscgen/xwang                    Shell: /bin/bash
E-mail: xwang@osc.edu
Primary Group: PZS0712
Groups: amber,abaqus,GaussC,comsol,foampro,sts,awsmdev,awesim,ruby,matlab,aasheats,mars,ansysflu,wrigley,lgfuel,l2supprt,fsl,oscall,clntstf,oscstaff,singadm,clntall,dhgremot,fsurfer,PZS0530,PCON0003,PZS0680,PMIU0149,PZS0712,PAS1448
Password Changed: Jan 08 2019 11:41               Password Expires: Jul 08 2019 12:05 AM
Login Disabled: FALSE                             Password Expired: FALSE

Once you know the user account username, follow the discussions in the previous section identify users on a project to get all user accounts on the project. Please contact OSC Help if you have any questions. 

Check the Status of a User

Use the OSCfinger command to check the status of a user account as below:

OSCfinger username

For example, if the username is xwang, the command  OSCfinger xwang will return:

$ OSCfinger xwang
Login: xwang                                      Name: Summer Wang
Directory: /users/oscgen/xwang                    Shell: /bin/bash
E-mail: xwang@osc.edu
Primary Group: PZS0712
Groups: amber,abaqus,GaussC,comsol,foampro,sts,awsmdev,awesim,ruby,matlab,aasheats,mars,ansysflu,wrigley,lgfuel,l2supprt,fsl,oscall,clntstf,oscstaff,singadm,clntall,dhgremot,fsurfer,PZS0530,PCON0003,PZS0680,PMIU0149,PZS0712,PAS1448
Password Changed: Jan 08 2019 11:41               Password Expires: Jul 08 2019 12:05 AM
Login Disabled: FALSE                             Password Expired: FALSE
  • The home directory of xwang is   Directory: /users/oscgen/xwang
  • The shell of xwang is bash (Shell: /bin/bash). If the information is Shell:/access/denied, it means this user account has been either archived or restricted. Please contact OSC Help if you'd like to reactivate this user account.
  • xwang@osc.edu is the associated email with the user account xwang; that is, all OSC emails related to the account xwang will be sent to xwang@osc.edu (Mail forwarded to xwang@osc.edu). Please contact OSC Help if the email address associated with this user account has been changed to ensure important notifications/messages/reminders from OSC may be received in a timely manner.

Check the Usage and Quota of a User's Home Directory/Project Space

All users see their file system usage statistics when logging in, like so:

As of 2018-01-25T04:02:23.749853 userid userID on /users/projectID used XGB of quota 500GB and Y files of quota 1000000 files

The information is from the file /users/reporting/storage/quota/*_quota.txt , which is updated twice a day. Some users may see multiple lines associated with a username, as well as information on project space usage and quota of their Primary project, if there is one. The usage and quota of the home directory of a username is provided by the line including the file server your home directory is on (for more information, please visit Home Directories), while others (generated due to file copy) can be safely ignored. 

You can check any user's home directory or a project's project space usage and quota by running:

grep -h 'userID' OR 'projectID' /users/reporting/storage/quota/*_quota.txt

Here is an example of project PZS0712:

$ grep -h PZS0712 /users/reporting/storage/quota/*_quota.txt
As of 2019-03-07T13:55:01.000000 project/group PZS0712 on /fs/project used 262 GiB of quota 2048 GiB and 166987 files of quota 200000 files
As of 2019-03-07T13:55:01.000000 userid xwang on /fs/project/PZS0712 used 0 GiB of quota 0 GiB and 21 files of quota 0 files
As of 2019-03-07T13:55:01.000000 userid dheisterberg on /fs/project/PZS0712 used 262 GiB of quota 0 GiB and 166961 files of quota 0 files
As of 2019-03-07T13:55:01.000000 userid amarcum on /fs/project/PZS0712 used 0 GiB of quota 0 GiB and 2 files of quota 0 files
As of 2019-03-07T13:55:01.000000 userid root on /fs/project/PZS0712 used 0 GiB of quota 0 GiB and 2 files of quota 0 files
As of 2019-03-07T13:55:01.000000 userid guilfoos on /fs/project/PZS0712 used 0 GiB of quota 0 GiB and 1 files of quota 0 files
As of 2019-03-07T13:51:23.000000 userid amarcum on /users/PZS0712 used 399.86 MiB of quota 500 GiB and 8710 files of quota 1000000 files

Here is an example for username amarcum:

$ grep -h amarcum /users/reporting/storage/quota/*_quota.txt
As of 2019-03-07T13:55:01.000000 userid amarcum on /fs/project/PZS0712 used 0 GiB of quota 0 GiB and 2 files of quota 0 files
As of 2019-03-07T13:56:39.000000 userid amarcum on /users/PZS0645 used 4.00 KiB of quota 500 GiB and 1 files of quota 1000000 files
As of 2019-03-07T13:56:39.000000 userid amarcum on /users/PZS0712 used 399.86 MiB of quota 500 GiB and 8710 files of quota 1000000 files

Check the Usage for Projects and Users

The OSCusage command can provide detailed information about computational usage for a given project and user.

See the OSCusage command page for details.
