Owens cluster transition: Action required
After eight years of service, the Owens high performance computing (HPC) cluster will be decommissioned over the next two months. Clients currently using Owens for research and classroom instruction must migrate jobs to other OSC clusters during this time.
Final Migration of Abaqus, Ansys, LS-DYNA, and Star-CCM+ to Cardinal Cluster
Globus downtime at 10:00 AM EDT on 11/02/2024
Schrodinger, COMSOL and Stata will be moved to Cardinal on 11/04/2024
Desmond 2023-4 is available on Cardinal and Owens
Desmond 2023-4 has been installed on Cardinal and Owens. Note that the vendor has changed their version syntax from a dot to a dash, but we have kept the dot syntax for our modules. These are GPU enabled installations. Usage is via the module desmond/2023.4.