
Owens Information Transition

Owens cluster will be decommissioned on February 3, 2025. Some pages may still reference Owens after Owens is decommissioned , and we are in the process of gradually updating the content. Thank you for your patience during this transition

Client Support Request


The OSC Help service of the Ohio Supercomputer Center consists of technical support and consulting services for OSC's high performance computing resources.  Before contacting OSC Help, please check to see if your question is answered in either the FAQ list or the computing pages. Many of the questions asked by both new and experienced OSC users are answered in these web pages.

Do not give your password to OSC Help, or to anyone, via e-mail, over the phone, or via an online form.

Contact Information:

All calls will be transferred to voicemail, and an OSC staff member will contact you as soon as possible.

Phone: (614) 292-1800
Email: oschelp@osc.edu (for existing clients)
Email: start@osc.edu (for information if you are not already an OSC client)
Online:  See form at bottom of page

Hours / Availability:

OSC staff members are typically available Monday through Friday, 9AM to 5PM Eastern, excluding holidays recognized by the Ohio State University (see OSU holidays for details) and generally will respond within 4 hours.

Technical Suggestions:

Please cut and paste any requested information verbatim, rather than trying to summarize or paraphrase the information you are seeing on your screen. It is also better to provide too much information than too little, although multi-megabyte messages are strongly discouraged.

Open OnDemand Support:

If you are looking for help with OSC's open sourced Open OnDemand platform, please consider posting something to open-ondemand discourse.

This is DIFFERENT from the OSC OnDemand website most OSC clients use to access OSC resources.  OSC Clients with issues related to our specific OSC ondemand website are welcome to utilize the form below.

Form to Request Support:

Add any relevant job IDs here. Please do not include your job script (it may result in form submission issues).
address to which the letter should be directed (e.g. NSF, Department)
E.g, "Department of Biology", "Division of Environmental Biology", etc
Expected amount of OSC service utilization per fiscal year.
Number of years of proposed research
Date the letter of support is needed by.
This question is for testing whether you are a human visitor and to prevent automated spam submissions.