
Owens Information Transition

Owens cluster will be decommissioned on February 3, 2025. Some pages may still reference Owens after Owens is decommissioned , and we are in the process of gradually updating the content. Thank you for your patience during this transition

Self-Signup for Accounts

Self-Signup for Accounts

1. Navigate to MyOSC, our client portal.


2. Click the "Sign Up" button and submit the form.


3. Enter the response code.

The response code is only valid for 4 hours. Please contact OSC Help if it is expired. 


4. The user registration page will be displayed. Please follow the instructions on the page and also fill it out as completely as possible.

If your PI has provided you with a project and/or access code, please enter that information in the correct box. If the project code is provided, you will be added to the project after the PI or Project Admin accepts your request. If both the project code and corresponding access code are provided, you will be added to the project as soon as the sign-up process is complete.


Once all required information is entered, hit the save button to submit the registration.

If you used a non-institutional email address or your institution is not "verified" at OSC, you will see the following:


Use the search box to find the appropriate academic institution. If it is not found or you are from a non-academic institution, enter the institution credentials.

5. You now need to accept or decline our terms of use. 


6. If you agree, you can create your username and password. You will not be able to enter the "Confirm Password" section until all of the requirements on the right-hand side are fulfilled (pips will turn green). 


7. Once a username and password are created and saved, there is a redirect back to the login page. The login page will also have a pop-up stating that the username and password have been successfully created.


OSC must review and approve any client that is not from an Ohio academic institution. OSC must manually review any client that manually entered their institution. Until this review process, the account will not be able to log into MyOSC or any HPC systems.