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Owens, Pitzer
Initial account consolidation took place during the July 17th, 2018 downtime
Please contact OSC Help if you need further information. 

Single Account / Multiple Projects

Structuring the course in this way provided several benefits to the participating institutions.  The nature of their experience varied based on the status of HPC and parallel computing courses within their curriculum.  Based on conversations with the participating faculty these are the variety of benefits that they derived from their participation:


Institutions and Students Participating in the Workshops
2017 Participating Institutions No. of Students 2018 Participating Institutions No. of Students

Participating institutions were solicited via newsletter posts by XSEDE and through several mailing lists of faculty interested in computational science and parallel computing.  Participating institutions have a lead faculty member responsible for local course administration.  Those faculty:


The project coordination role for the collaborative course was played by Steven Gordon at the Ohio Supercomputer Center (OSC).  The first task for this role was the recruitment of collaborating universities.  This was done through a variety of email lists, XSEDE newsletters, and personal emails sent to previous participants.

The lead instructors at Berkeley provided all of the instructional materials used in the course.  This included videos of all lectures, quizzes relating to each of the lectures, and several programming assignments.  The recorded videos allowed each of the participating institutions to work through the course on their own academic schedule.  The lectures can either be watched independently by the students or jointly in the classroom.  Class time can then be used to discuss the lecture material

Collaborators and Their Responsibilities

A Collaborative Online Course

Owens, Pitzer

This page provides a list of the scientific database available at OSC. 
