HPC Changelog

HPC Changelog

bismark/0.22.3 is available on Pitzer and Owens

Wednesday, July 15, 2020 - 1:30pm

Bismark/0.22.3 is available now on Pitzer and Owens; usage via module load bismark/0.22.3 (the module is dependent on bowtie2, so module load bowtie2 should be executed first, if not already loaded)

GAMESS 30Sep2019R2 is available on Owens and Pitzer

Monday, July 6, 2020 - 3:30pm

GAMESS version 30Sep2019R2 has been installed on Owens and Pitzer.  Usage is via the module gamess/30Sep2019R2.  For installation details use command:  "module help gamess/30Sep2019R2".  For help loading an installation, use command:  "module spider gamess/30Sep2019R2".

PETSc available on Owens and Pitzer

Monday, April 20, 2020 - 11:45am

PETSc 3.12.5 is now available on Owens and Pitzer. The supported libraries include f2cblaslapack, superlu, ptso, metis, parmetis, mumps, hypre and scalapack. Please run module spider petsc to view available modules for a given machine.


intel compiler module (gcc-compatibility) update

Tuesday, April 7, 2020 - 10:45am

Previously, intel/19.0.3 and intel/19.0.5 compilers automatically load gcc-compatibility modules as following:

On Pitzer: gcc-compatibility/8.1.0 
On Owens: gcc-compatibility/8.3.0

Now, gcc-compatibility/8.4.0 will be loaded consistantly. This has a very low impact, but if you have any issues, please contact OSC Help
