

OSCusage is command developed at OSC for use on OSC's systems.  It allows for a user to see information on their project's usage, including different users and their jobs.


owens PITZER



OSCusage takes the following options and parameters.

$ OSCusage --help
usage: OSCusage.py [-h] [-u USER]
                   [-s {opt,pitzer,glenn,bale,oak,oakley,owens,ruby}] [-A]
                   [-P PROJECT] [-q] [-H] [-r] [-n] [-v]
                   [start_date] [end_date]

positional arguments:
  start_date            start date (default: 2021-03-16)
  end_date              end date (default: 2021-03-17)

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -u USER, --user USER  username to run as. Be sure to include -P or -A.
                        (default: amarcum)
  -s {opt,pitzer,glenn,bale,oak,oakley,owens,ruby}, --system {opt,pitzer,glenn,bale,oak,oakley,owens,ruby}
  -A                    Show all
  -P PROJECT, --project PROJECT
                        project to query (default: PZS0712)
  -q                    show user data
  -H                    show hours
  -r                    show raw
  -n                    show job ID
  -v                    do not summarize
  -J, --json Print data as JSON
  -C, --current-unbilled   show current unbilled usage 
  -p {month,quarter,annual}, --period {month,quarter,annual}   Period used when showing unbilled usage (default:   month)
  -N JOB_NAME, --job-name JOB_NAME
                        Filter jobs by job name, supports substring match and
                        regex (does not apply to JSON output)

Usage Examples:

    Specify start time:
        OSCusage 2018-01-24

    Specify start and end time:
        OSCusage 2018-01-24 2018-01-25

    View current unbilled usage:
        OSCusage -C -p month

Today's Usage

Running OSCusage with no options or parameters specified will provide the usage information in Dollars for the current day.

$ OSCusage
----------------  ------------------------------------
                  Usage Statistics for project PZS0712
Time              2021-03-16 to 2021-03-17
PI                guilfoos@osc.edu
Remaining Budget  -1.15
----------------  ------------------------------------

User          Jobs    Dollars    Status
------------  ------  ---------  --------
amarcum       0       0.0        ACTIVE
amarcumtest   0       0.0        ACTIVE
amarcumtest2  0       0.0        ACTIVE
guilfoos      0       0.0        ACTIVE
hhamblin      0       0.0        ACTIVE
kcahill       0       0.0        ACTIVE
wouma         0       0.0        ACTIVE
xwang         12      0.0        ACTIVE
--            --      --
TOTAL         12      0.0

Usage in Timeframe

If you specify a timeframe you can get utilization information specifically for jobs that completed within that period.

$ OSCusage 2020-01-01 2020-07-01 -H
----------------  ------------------------------------
                  Usage Statistics for project PZS0712
Time              2020-01-01 to 2020-07-01
PI                Brian Guilfoos <guilfoos@osc.edu>
Remaining Budget  -1.15
----------------  ------------------------------------

User          Jobs    core-hours    Status
------------  ------  ------------  ----------
amarcum       86      260.3887      ACTIVE
amarcumtest   0       0.0           ACTIVE
amarcumtest2  0       0.0           RESTRICTED
guilfoos      9       29.187        ACTIVE
hhamblin      1       1.01          ACTIVE
kcahill       7       40.5812       ACTIVE
wouma         63      841.2503      ACTIVE
xwang         253     8148.2638     ACTIVE
--            --      --
TOTAL         419     9320.681

Show only a single user's usage

Specify -q to show only the current user's usage. This stacks with -u to specify which user you want to see.

$ OSCusage -u xwang -q 2020-01-01 2020-07-01 -H
----  -------------------------------
      Usage Statistics for user xwang
Time  2020-01-01 to 2020-07-01
----  -------------------------------

User    Jobs    core-hours    Status
------  ------  ------------  --------
xwang   253     8148.2638     -
--      --      --
TOTAL   253     8148.2638

Show a particular project

By default, the tool shows your default (first) project. You can use -P to specify which charge code to report on.

$ OSCusage -P PZS0200 -H
----------------  ------------------------------------
                  Usage Statistics for project PZS0200
Time              2020-09-13 to 2020-09-14
PI                David Hudak <dhudak@osc.edu>
Remaining Budget  0
----------------  ------------------------------------

User        Jobs    core-hours    Status
----------  ------  ------------  ----------
adraghi     0       0.0           ARCHIVED
airani      0       0.0           ARCHIVED
alingg      0       0.0           ARCHIVED


You can show all of your charge codes/projects at once, by using -A .

Select a particular cluster

By default, all charges are shown in the output. However, you can filter to show a particular system with -s .

$ OSCusage -s pitzer -H
----------------  ------------------------------------
                  Usage Statistics for project PZS0712
Time              2021-03-16 to 2021-03-17
PI                guilfoos@osc.edu
Remaining Budget  -1.15
----------------  ------------------------------------

User          Jobs    core-hours    Status
------------  ------  ------------  --------
amarcum       0       0.0           ACTIVE
amarcumtest   0       0.0           ACTIVE
amarcumtest2  0       0.0           ACTIVE
guilfoos      0       0.0           ACTIVE
hhamblin      0       0.0           ACTIVE
kcahill       0       0.0           ACTIVE
wouma         0       0.0           ACTIVE
xwang         0       0.0           ACTIVE
--            --      --
TOTAL         0       0.0

Changing the units reported

The report can show usage dollars. You can elect to get usage in core-hours using -H or raw seconds using -r

$ OSCusage 2020-01-01 2020-07-01 -r
----------------  ------------------------------------
                  Usage Statistics for project PZS0712
Time              2020-01-01 to 2020-07-01
PI                Brian Guilfoos <guilfoos@osc.edu>
Remaining Budget  -1.15
----------------  ------------------------------------

User          Jobs    raw_used    Status
------------  ------  ----------  ----------
amarcum       86      937397.0    ACTIVE
amarcumtest   0       0.0         ACTIVE
amarcumtest2  0       0.0         RESTRICTED
guilfoos      9       105073.0    ACTIVE
hhamblin      1       3636.0      ACTIVE
kcahill       7       146092.0    ACTIVE
wouma         63      3028500.0   ACTIVE
xwang         253     29333749.0  ACTIVE
--            --      --
TOTAL         419     33554447.0

Detailed Charges Breakdown

Specify -v to get detailed information jobs.

You can add the -n option to the -v option to add the job ID to the report output. OSCHelp will need the job ID to answer any questions about a particular job record.

Please contact OSC Help with questions. 
