MPI is a standard library for performing parallel processing using a distributed memory model. The Pitzer, Ascend, and Cardinal clusters at OSC can use the OpenMPI implementation of the Message Passing Interface (MPI).

Availability and Restrictions


Installations are available for the Intel, PGI, and GNU compilers. The following versions of OpenMPI are available on OSC systems:

Version Pitzer Ascend Cardinal Notes
1.10.7-hpcx X      
1.10.7 X      
2.1.6-hpcx X      
2.1.6 X      
3.1.4-hpcx X      
3.1.4 X      
3.1.6-hpcx X      
3.1.6   X   HPC-X version**
4.0.3-hpcx X*      
4.0.3 X      
4.1.2-hpcx X      
4.1.3   X*   HPC-X version**
4.1.4-hpcx X      
4.1.5/4.1.5-hpcx X X   HPC-X version**
4.1.6     X  
5.0.2     X  
5.0.2-hpcx X      
* Current default version
** The HPCX version is OpenMPI built with communication libraries from NVIDIA HPC-X for the optimized performance. 

You can use module spider openmpi to view available modules for a given machine. Feel free to contact OSC Help if you need other versions for your work.


OpenMPI is available to all OSC users. If you have any questions, please contact OSC Help.

Publisher/Vendor/Repository and License Type, Open source


Setup on OSC Clusters

To set up your environment for using the MPI libraries, you must load the appropriate module. On any OSC system, this is performed by:

module load openmpi

You will get the default version for the compiler you have loaded.

Building With MPI

To build a program that uses MPI, you should use the compiler wrappers provided on the system. They accept the same options as the underlying compiler. The commands are shown in the following table:

C mpicc
C++ mpicxx
FORTRAN 77 mpif77
Fortran 90 mpif90

For example, to build the code my_prog.c using the -O2 option, you would use:

mpicc -o my_prog -O2 my_prog.c

In rare cases, you may be unable to use the wrappers. In that case, you should use the environment variables set by the module.

Variable Use
$MPI_CFLAGS Use during your compilation step for C programs.
$MPI_CXXFLAGS Use during your compilation step for C++ programs.
$MPI_FFLAGS Use during your compilation step for Fortran 77 programs.
$MPI_F90FLAGS Use during your compilation step for Fortran 90 programs.

Batch Usage

Programs built with MPI can only run in the batch environment at OSC. For information on starting MPI programs using the command srun see Job Scripts.

Be sure to load the same compiler and OpenMPI modules at execution time as at build time.

Run a MPI program 


We recommend the command srun as the default MPI launcher. Please refer to Pitzer Programming Environment for detail.

Known Issues

OpenMPI-HPCX 4.1.x hangs on writing files on a shared file system 

Resolution: Resolved (workaround)
Update: 03/06/2024
Version: All 4.1.x-hpcx versions

Your job utilizing openmpi/4.1.x-hpcx (or 4.1.x on Ascend) might hang while writing files on a shared file system. This issue is caused by a bug stemming from the default OMPIO I/O module and UCX library. We have identified ORCA as being affected by this problem. If you are experiencing this issue, please consider the following solutions:

  • Change the I/O module to ROMIO by adding export OMPI_MCA_io=romio321 to your job script.
  • Switch to OpenMPI 5. You can check for available OpenMPI 5 moduless via module spider openmpi/5.

The use of MPI_THREAD_MULTIPLE with OpenMPI-HPCX 4.x is not supported

Resolution: Resolved (workaround)
Update: 7/10/2023
Version: [Ascend] openmpi/4.1.3

If a threading code uses MPI_Init_thread with MPI_THREAD_MULTIPLE, it will fail because the UCX framework from the HPCX package is built without multi-threading support. UCX is the default framework for OMPI 4.0 and above. 

If you encounter this issue, you can now use "openmpi/4.1.5" on Ascend. These versions are built with multi-threading UCX.

Cannot use mpiexec/mpirun from OpenMPI in an interactive session

Resolution: Resolved (workaround)
Update: 2/22/2022
Version: All

The mpiexec and mpirun commands are not part of the MPI standard and may differ slightly between MPI implementations. On February 22, 2022, OSC upgraded Slurm to version 21.08.5, and we discovered additional issues with mpiexec and mpirun. Therefore, we recommend using srun in all cases.

If you need to use mpiexec and your job fails, please contact OSC Help for assistance.

Further Reading

See Also

Fields of Science: