Known issues

Unresolved known issues

Known issue with an Unresolved Resolution state is an active problem under investigation; a temporary workaround may be available.

Resolved known issues

A known issue with a Resolved (workaround) Resolution state is an ongoing problem; a permanent workaround is available which may include using different software or hardware.

A known issue with Resolved Resolution state has been corrected.

Known Issues

Title Category Resolution Description Posted Updated
MPI_THREAD_MULTIPLE is not supported with OpenMPI-HPCX 4.x Owens, Software Resolved

A threading code with MPI where MPI_Init_thread uses MPI_THREAD_MULTIPLE will fail because UCX from HPCX package is built without enabling multi-threading. UCX is the... Read more

1 year 4 months ago 1 year 2 months ago
Possible job failures due to MPI library change on Pitzer after May 20 Software Resolved

There are changes on MPI libraries on Pitzer after May 20. We will upgrade MOFED from 4.9 to 5.6 and recompile all OpenMPI and Mvapich2 against the newer MOFED version. Users with their own MPI... Read more

1 year 2 months ago 1 year 2 months ago
Frame Renderer - Maya Ondemand app issue OnDemand, Outage, Software Resolved

There are currently issues with the Frame Renderer (Maya) interacitve app in

OSC staff are working with the vendor to resolve the... Read more

1 year 5 months ago 1 year 2 months ago
ORCA Bind to CORE Failure Software Resolved

The default CPU binding for ORCA jobs can fail sporadically.  The failure is almost immediate and produces a cryptic error message, e.g.:

... Read more          
1 year 2 months ago 1 year 2 months ago
Nsight GPU profiler not working due to DCGM conflict GPU, Infrastructure Resolved

UPDATE (Mar 15, 2023)

After the downtime on Mar. 14, 2023, OSC enabled a new Slurm option --gres=nsight. DCGM will be disabled on the nodes for the job with the Slurm option,... Read more

1 year 4 months ago 1 year 4 months ago
OnDemand 2.1 - Issue downloading large directories OnDemand Resolved

There is an issue with OnDemand or Awesim after the new release when downloading directories that are large in size.

Users may encouter issues downloading large directories. Staff are... Read more

1 year 4 months ago 1 year 4 months ago
quota exceeded error when using chgrp in /fs/ess directories filesystem Resolved

Users may receive an error when using the chgrp command on data in /fs/ess/ locations.

$ chgrp -v PEX1234 my-file.txt
chgrp: changing group of 'my-file.txt': Disk quota exceeded
failed... Read more          
1 year 5 months ago 1 year 4 months ago
Terminal function from RStudio app through OnDemand does not work OnDemand Resolved

Terminal function from RStudio app through OnDemand does not work. It returns error as below:

Rstudio cannot launch terminals.

We are working on the... Read more

1 year 7 months ago 1 year 7 months ago
openmpi/4.1.1 is deprecated Resolved

openmpi/4.1.1-hpcx will be removed on November 29th, 2022 due to InfiniBand drivers (MOFED) update. Please use compatible and bug-fixed version 'openmpi/4.1.2-hpcx' to run ORCA or your MPI... Read more

1 year 7 months ago 1 year 7 months ago
Symlinks to /fs/project directories were missed filesystem Resolved

Symlinks to /fs/project directories were missed for a short period of time both on Tuesday afternoon October 11(right after downtime) and Wedenday morning October 12. It might result in job... Read more

1 year 9 months ago 1 year 9 months ago
