VMD is a visulaization program for the display and analysis of molecular systems.

Availability and Restrictions


The following versions of VMD are available on OSC clusters:

Version Pitzer Cardinal
1.9.3 X X
1.9.4 (alpha) X*  
1.9.4a55   X*
* Current default version


VMD is for academic purposes only. Please review the license agreement before you use this software.

Publisher/Vendor/Repository and License Type

TCBG, Beckman Institute/ Open source


Usage on Pitzer

Using VMD with OSC OnDemand

It is recommended to use VMD with OSC OnDemand. On the OnDemand page launch the VMD GUI from the interactive apps dropdown menu. This will open the VMD Main, OpenGL Display, and terminal windows. End a session through the VMD Main window by selecting File → Quit.

See VMD Tutorials for basic VMD usage instructions.

Further Reading 

Fields of Science: