
Owens Information Transition

Owens cluster will be decommissioned on February 3, 2025. Some pages may still reference Owens after Owens is decommissioned , and we are in the process of gradually updating the content. Thank you for your patience during this transition


Perl is a family of programming languages.

Availability and Restrictions


A system version of Perl is available on all clusters. A Perl module is available on the Owens cluster. The following are the Perl versions currently available at OSC:

Version Owens Pitzer Notes
5.16.3 X# X#  
5.26.1 X*   **See note below.
5.26.3 X X cpanminus available and multi-threading support
* Current module default version; # system version.
** There is always some version of Perl in the environment. If you want a specific version you should load the approriate module. If you don't have a Perl module loaded, you will get the system version.

You can use  module spider perl to view available modules for a given cluster. Feel free to contact OSC Help if you need other versions for your work.


Perl is available to all OSC users. If you have any questions, please contact OSC Help.

Publisher/Vendor/Repository and License Type

https://www.perl.org, Open source


Each cluster has a version of Perl that is part of the Operating System (OS). Some perl scripts (usually such files have a .pl extension) may require particular Perl Modules (PMs) (usually such files have a .pm extension). In some cases particular PMs are not part of the OS; in those cases, users should install those PMs; for background and a general recipe see HOWTO: Install your own Perl modules. In other cases a PM may be part of the OS but in an unknown location; in that case an error like this is emitted: Can't locate Shell.pm in @INC; and users can rectify this by locating the PM with the command locate Shell.pm and then adding that path to the environment variable PERL5LIB, e.g. in csh syntax: setenv PERL5LIB "/usr/share/perl5/CPAN:$PERL5LIB"

Usage on Owens


To configure your enviorment for use of a non system version of Perl, use command  module load perl. This will load the default version.

Installing Perl Modules

To install your own Perl modules locally, use CPAN Minus. Instructions for installing modules for system Perl are available here. Note that you do not need to load the cpanminus module if you are using a non-system Perl.

Further Reading
