The following are technical specifications for Quad GPU nodes.
- Number of Nodes
24 nodes
- Number of CPU Sockets
48 (2 sockets/node)
- Number of CPU Cores
2,304 (96 cores/node)
- Cores Per Node
96 cores/node (88 usable cores/node)
- Internal Storage
12.8 TB NVMe internal storage
- Compute CPU Specifications
AMD EPYC 7643 (Milan) processors for compute
- 2.3 GHz
- 48 cores per processor
- Computer Server Specifications
24 Dell XE8545 servers
- Accelerator Specifications
4 NVIDIA A100 GPUs with 80GB memory each, supercharged by NVIDIA NVLink
- Number of Accelerator Nodes
24 total
- Total Memory
- ~ 24 TB
- Physical Memory Per Node
1 TB
- Physical Memory Per Core
10.6 GB
- Interconnect
Mellanox/NVIDA 200 Gbps HDR InfiniBand
The following are technical specifications for Dual GPU nodes.
- Number of Nodes
274 nodes
- Number of CPU Sockets
64 (2 sockets/node)
- Number of CPU Cores
35,072 (128 cores/node)
- Cores Per Node
128 cores/node (120 usable cores/node)
- Internal Storage
1.92 TB NVMe internal storage
- Compute CPU Specifications
2 AMD EPYC 7H12 processors for compute
- 2.60 GHz
- 64 cores per processor
- Computer Server Specifications
274 Dell R7525 servers
- Accelerator Specifications
- 2 NVIDIA A100 GPUs with 40GB memory each, PCIe, 250W
- Number of Accelerator Nodes
548 total
- Total Memory
- ~ 137 TB
- Physical Memory Per Node
0.5 TB
- Physical Memory Per Core
4 GB
- Interconnect
HDR100 Infiniband (100 Gbps)