Amber 20 is updated
Amber version 20 has been updated and installed with Intel and GNU compilers and MVAPICH2 on Owens and Pitzer. These include Amber and AmberTools. Usage is via the module amber/20. For installation details, such as, available packages and example batch scripts, use command: "module help amber/20". For help loading an installation, use command: "module spider amber/20".
LAMMPS 29Oct20 is available
LAMMPS stable version 29Oct20 has been installed with MVAPICH2, OpenMPI, and IntelMPI on Owens and Pitzer. These are GPU enabled installations. Usage is via the module lammps/29Oct20. For installation details, such as, available packages and example batch scripts, use command: "module help lammps/29Oct20". For help loading an installation, use command: "module spider lammps/29Oct20".
Upgrade to SLURM at 9AM on Dec 2
pnetcdf 1.12.1 available on Pitzer
pnetcdf 1.12.1 is available on Pitzer.
module load pnetcdf/1.12.1
System Downtime December 15 2020
HOWTO: Deploy your own endpoint on a server
OSC clients who are affiliated with Ohio State can deploy their own endpoint on a server using OSU subscriptions. Please follow the steps below: