
K-State professor shares research to develop better Internet search tools that identify emerging trends

Next-generation Internet search techniques will greatly improve the ability to sift through the massive, ever-changing information posted to the Web – and enable people to better use this information for identifying critical issues such as homeland security concerns or imminent disease outbreaks, said William H. Hsu, Ph.D., an associate professor of computer and information sciences and director of the Laboratory for Knowledge Discovery in Databases at Kansas State University.

U.S. Representative announces metrology defense center of excellence funding for OSC, YSU, and partners

U.S. Rep. Tim Ryan announced today a $1.6 million federal direct appropriation to establish a National Defense Center of Excellence in Industrial Metrology and 3D Imaging headquartered at Youngstown State University.

The center, funded by the U.S. Department of Defense Army Research Lab, will focus on developing and improving advanced manufacturing technologies for military and commercial uses that could have widespread economic impact across the Northeast Ohio region and throughout the United States.

OSC's Ralph Regula School of Computational Science receives prestigious award for innovative minor program

The Krell Institute today presented the 2008 Undergraduate Computational Engineering and Sciences award to Steven I. Gordon and the Ralph Regula School of Computational Science, an initiative of the Ohio Supercomputer Center, for its innovative baccalaureate minor program.

“The Ralph Regula School serves as an excellent model for combining resources from several colleges to enable large numbers of students to include computational science in their education,” Charles D. Swanson of the Krell Institute said in an earlier award letter.

New Blue Collar Bill Seeks Federal Funds So Small Businesses Can Compute

Now even the most down home mom and pop businesses may have access to supercomputers without worrying about the cost.

A bill proposed by Senators Mike DeWine, R-Ohio, and Herb Kohl, D-Wis., seeks legislation to spend $25 million a year for five years to fund up to five supercomputer centers across the country. The idea is modeled after the Ohio Supercomputer Center’s (OSC) Blue Collar Computing initiative that extends cutting-edge technology use to smaller businesses and manufacturers at a no- or low-cost rate.
