
Rolling Reboot of Owens Nodes will begin September 11 at 9am

In order to upgrade the kernel, we will conduct a rolling reboot of all Owens nodes. This will begin at 9 a.m. on September 11 and continue until all nodes have been rebooted. The login nodes will be rebooted first.This rolling reboot won't affect any running jobs, but users may experience longer queue wait times than usual on the Owens cluster. Please contact oschelp@osc.edu if you have any questions.

System Downtime

A downtime for all HPC systems is scheduled from 7 a.m. to 5 p.m. Tuesday, Aug. 22, 2017. The downtime will affect the Oakley, Ruby and Owens Clusters, web portals, and HPC file servers. Login services, including my.osc.edu, and access to storage will not be available during this time. In preparation for the downtime, the batch scheduler will begin holding jobs that cannot be completed before 7 a.m., August 22. Jobs that are not started will be held until after the downtime and then started once the system is returned to production status.
