R/3.5.0 is now available on Owens
Scientific Database List
This page provides a list of the scientific database available at OSC.
USEARCH is a sequence analysis tool that offers high-throughput search and clustering algorithms to analyze data.
Availability and Restrictions
USEARCH is available on the Owens cluster. The versions currently available at OSC are:
LAMMPS 16Mar18 is now available
LAMMPS stable version 16Mar18 has been installed on Owens, Ruby, and Oakley. These are GPU enabled installations. 16Mar18 is available with both MVAPICH2 and IntelMPI on all three clusters and on Owens also with OpenMPI. Usage is via the module lammps/16Mar18. For information on installation details, such as, available packages, see the output of the module help command: "module help lammp
VMD is a visulaization program for the display and analysis of molecular systems.
Availability and Restrictions
The following versions of VMD are available on OSC clusters:
BWA 0.7.17 is available on Owens
BWA 0.7.17 is available on Owens.