
OSC Receives $6 Million for Springfield Supercomputing Center

The Ohio Supercomputer Center (OSC) has received $6 million from the United States Department of Energy (DOE) to establish a supercomputing center in Springfield, Ohio. OSC will work closely with the DOE, the Department of Defense (DoD) center at Wright Patterson Air Force Base, and other local agencies to provide a high performance computing presence in southwestern Ohio.

SGI to Install 128-processor Linux Cluster at OSC


SGI (NYSE:SGI) today announced that it will install the company's first 128-processor Linux® cluster at the Ohio Supercomputer Center (OSC), bringing new technologies to the Ohio research and education community. As the adoption of Linux systems expands across all marketplaces, Ohio scientists, educators and engineers can begin to use the state's largest Beowulf cluster as a starting point into scalable high-performance computing.

SGI Donates Systems to Minority Institutions as Part of OSC's Cluster Ohio Project

Silicon Graphics, Inc. (SGI) announced that it will donate $140,000 dollars worth of supercomputing systems to Ohio's minority institutions to kick off OSC's (Ohio Supercomputer Center) Cluster Ohio Project.

SGI's outreach program will provide 20 supercomputing systems to Ohio's minority institutions -- Central State University (CSU) and Wilberforce University (WU) with technical support provided by the University of Dayton. OSC's Cluster Ohio Project, a program to distribute processors to faculty statewide, will be granting similar processors to faculty in June.

Ohio Supercomputer Center (OSC) Receives National Science Foundation Award for Storage System Development

The Ohio Supercomputer Center (OSC) was awarded $520,000 last week from the National Science Foundation (NSF) to help develop faster and smarter storage systems to improve and increase the processing power of high performance computing (HPC).

The three-year grant is part of the High-End Computing University Research Activity (HECURA) program, a national effort that promotes and funds research and education projects involving storage and retrieval of data in large-scale computing systems.

Defense Department Renews Technology Transfer Contract With Ohio Supercomputer Center

The U.S. Department of Defense (DoD) announced that the Ohio Supercomputer Center (OSC) would receive $650,000 to provide technical leadership and program management to Mississippi State University (MSU) as it develops and improves high performance computing systems for the military. OSC will also receive $1.35 million to provide technical support in Signal Image Processing and Integrated Modeling and Test Environments.
