
Major Upgrade of Its MPI Implementation for UNIX-based Clusters

Ohio Supercomputer Center has released LAM 6.0, a major upgrade of its MPI implementation for UNIX-based clusters. The software is freely available from

Among the new features in LAM 6.0 are an early implementation of MPI, process spawning, dynamic processor resources and fault tolerance.

LAM 6.0 runs out-of-the-box on IP networks connecting any of the major vendors' workstations in any combination. LINUX is also supported.

National Technology Agencies Host Joint Conference in Columbus

Columbus is set to host a technology conference that for the first time will bring together five nationally recognized technology institutions that play a major role in the development and distribution of information technology to the education and research communities nationwide.

The conference is a national event that draws participants from across the country in order to identify and discuss the challenges of and solutions to problems associated with networking technology and content delivery. It takes place April 14-16 at the OSU Fawcett Center in Columbus.

Ohio Supercomputer Center Expands Ohio's Computational Resources Eligibility to Full-Time Research Scientists

Now Ohio’s research scientists and faculty members alike can use the Ohio Supercomputer Center’s (OSC) high performance computing resources (HPC). Graduate and postdoctoral students enjoy the same access through their professors. 

Unlike many computing facilities, OSC’s liberal user policy puts some of the world’s most powerful supercomputing resources at the fingertips of academic researchers and computational scientists – resources that were once exclusively reserved for tenure-track faculty members.

Ohio Supercomputer Center Reduces State Industrial Computing Fee to $1

Ohio industrial clients will now save money when they compute at the Ohio Supercomputer Center (OSC). Effective April 1, 2006, OSC’s business clients can use some of the most advanced high performance computing (HPC) resources for $1 per CPU hour.

When computing, OSC’s industrial clients typically accrue processing charges. The new rate gives industrial clients the same unlimited access to OSC’s state-of-the-art hardware -- the Cray X1, Intel Pentium 4 Xeon Cluster, and Intel Itanium 2 Cluster -- for less.

OSC Purchases Intel Pentium 4 Cluster to Update Systems

OSC is updating its hardware with an Intel Pentium 4 (P4) cluster to be installed later this month. Replacing the AMD Athlon cluster, the P4 doubles the current system’s power with a sizable increase in speed.

With a theoretical peak of 2,457 gigaflops, the P4 cluster contains 256 dual-processor Pentium IV Xeon systems with four gigabytes of memory per node and 20 terabytes of aggregate disk space. It will be connected via a gigabit Ethernet and use Voltair InfiniBand 4x HCA, and a Voltair ISR 9600 InfiniBand switch router for high-speed interconnect.

Ohio Supercomputer Center Hosts Jack Dongarra, Renowned High Performance Computing Expert

Click here to view the streaming video from this event. (You will need Windows Media Player.)

Jack Dongarra, internationally-known expert in high performance computing (HPC), recently spoke at a lecture series sponsored by the Ohio Supercomputer Center (OSC) on Jan. 11, 2007. In his speech, “Supercomputers & Clusters & Grids, Oh My!” Dongarra addressed current trends, rapid changes, and some of the biggest challenges facing the HPC world.
