ACTS experiments involving the Ohio Supercomputer Center (OSC) and OSU Advanced Computing Center for Arts and Design (ACCAD)

COLUMBUS, Ohio (Sep 22, 1993) — 

OSC and ACCAD are participating in two Advanced Communications Technology Satellite (ACTS) experiments, one which may greatly impact the Great Lakes Region by forecasting changing weather patterns; and one which will affect the delivery of medical services to rural and remote locations.

Brief synopses:

By exchanging these conditions in a dynamic fashion, the models can work together to provide forecasts of changing weather patterns over the Great Lakes. OSC and ACCAD are providing scientific visualization capabilities to generate graphic images and computer animations which will be simultaneously broadcast over the satellite to all locations involved in the experiment.

These scans will be sent over the satellite to the OSC and ACCAD facilities in Columbus, Ohio, where staff will do 3D reconstruction and segmentation of the bodies. These visualizations will be simultaneously broadcast back to the field and to radiology experts at Georgetown University Medical Center for diagnosis and treatment planning. These results will be sent over the satellite network link to medical personnel at the scene for treatment.

  • The first experiment is designed to integrate two large scale simulation models running on supercomputers in two locations (OSC and NCAR in Colorado). These models will pass boundary conditions and other parameters using the satellite. Model A uses atmospheric conditions as input to simulate changing conditions in the Great Lakes. Model B uses groundwater conditions to simulate atmospheric phenomena.
  • The second experiment involves a simulation of a natural disaster in a rural or isolated location, and the subsequent need for medical triage, diagnosis and treatment planning. In the simulation, portable diagnostic equipment (CT scanners, MRI machines, or Ultrasound devices) will be moved into the rural/remote area (Hawaii) for scanning injured people.