
Fall SUG conference gathers researchers to the Ohio Supercomputer Center

Academic research provides students and staff alike the ability to pursue ground-breaking discoveries in numerous fields of study. These findings are propelled by Ohio universities’ access to high performance computing (HPC) through the Ohio Supercomputer Center (OSC). Many of the state’s researchers gathered at OSC for the biannual Statewide Users Group (SUG) conference on Thursday to share their current research and innovations that have used HPC.

SUG conference shares updates, highlights research

Exciting innovations and new research frontiers are breaking through every day in Ohio, and attendees of the fall Statewide Users Group Conference at the Ohio Supercomputer Center on Thursday got a preview of some innovations to come.

SUG is a volunteer group composed of the Ohio university faculty who provide OSC’s leadership with program and policy advice and direction to ensure a productive environment for research.

Ohio Supercomputer Center names new system after Russell Pitzer

The Ohio Supercomputer Center is in the process of procuring a new high performance computing system this summer, and in line with its tradition of naming its systems after pioneers with an Ohio connection, the center looked to its earliest days.

Russell M. Pitzer, the honoree and now emeritus professor of chemistry at The Ohio State University, was among a few individuals who began discussing the possibility of bringing high performance computing to Ohio higher education, even before the center was established in 1987.
