
quota exceeded error when using chgrp in /fs/ess directories

Users may receive an error when using the chgrp command on data in /fs/ess/ locations.

$ chgrp -v PEX1234 my-file.txt
chgrp: changing group of 'my-file.txt': Disk quota exceeded
failed to change group of 'my-file.txt' from PEX0001 to PEX1234

This is a very infrequent issue and OSC have identified a workaround.

Please contact for assistance with changing group ownership of data.

Possible performance degradation after August 9th's downtime

Updates on May 20 2023:

verbsRDMA is enabled on Pitzer. 

Updates on Dec 14 2022:

verbsRDMA is enabled on Owens during December 13 downtime. verbsRDMA remains disabled on Pitzer. 

Original Post:

To prepare for expansion of the IBM Elastic Storage System (ESS), the data transfer is switched from InfiniBand (IB) verbsRDMA to IP over IB (IPoIB) after August 9th's downtime. This may cause some impact to the job performance.

Very little free space for metadata on the scratch storage /fs/scratch

Updated 15:30 October 19:

The issue of little space for metadata on scratch storage is resolved. If you have any questions, please contact OSC Help

Original Post:

The scratch storage /fs/scratch has very little free space for metadata starting from Saturday, October 16. This may result in the failure of file or directory creations on /fs/scratch.
