
Issue with GPFS on Owens since April 14, 2017

3:10PM 4/18/2017 Update: Rolling reboots on Owens have started to address this GPFS issue. 

We have had issues with GPFS mounts on Owens Cluster since Friday afternoon, April 14, 2017. The affected nodes have been marked offline to be restarted or rebooted to fix this issue. Jobs may have been negatively impacted by this issue since April 14. If you experience any 'stale file handle' or file not found errors, please let us know.

Scratch and Project are hung; schedulings have been paused

1:00PM 4/6/2017 Update:  The Scratch and Project file systems are back to normal service. Scheduling on systems are resumed. We are still investigating the causes to this problem and will keep you updated when we know more. 


The Scratch and Project file systems are currently hung. Schedulings on all three clusters (Owens, Ruby, and Oakley) have been paused for investigating this problem. We will update this page when we know more. 

Project space giving errors "No space left on device"

11/01/2016 11:52AM Update: This issue has been fixed. 

We have become aware of a problem with the Project storage space that gives errors "No space left on device". The cause is that the metadata subsystem is full. This issue might result in failures of users' jobs. 

We are working hard to fix this issue as soon as possible and really apologize for any inconveniences this may cause you. 

NFS service disruption 6/29/16

OSC experienced errors with NFS services the morning of June 29 between 08:37 and 09:12 that may have caused some jobs to fail, or other unexpected behavior.  The errors would have resulted in the failure of legacy paths to user home directories through /nfs/[01-18]. There were also mount failures of /nfs/gpfs on several nodes.
