Press Releases

The Ohio Supercomputer Center (OSC) is looking for Ohio faculty interested in using distance learning technologies to bring computational science courses to campuses across the state.

OSC, a statewide resource for high performance technology, recently received funding from the Ohio Board of Regents to assist the state in developing computational science expertise at its public universities. OSC will fund computational science courses from various institutions that can be taught on multiple campuses.

Most of us can remember a time in school when we wished our teachers could walk in our shoes for just one day. The students of 10 Ohio high school and middle school teachers will receive satisfaction in knowing that their teachers are doing just that this summer.

Teachers from across Ohio are trading places with their students this week during the Computational Science Institute (CSI) at the Ohio Supercomputer Center (OSC). CSI hopes to open teachers' minds to new technologies that will expand the learning environment they create for their students.

Tomorrow's world is being experienced today -- at least by 11 Ohio high school students.

These high school students are using technologies most of us never will. And it's all happening during the 1999 Ohio Supercomputer Center (OSC) Summer Institute: Computing and Networking for the New Millennium. The Institute, which runs July 12-23, immerses freshmen and sophomores in the technologies that are helping to shape the future -- high performance computing and networking.

Ohio is in good hands if State Science Day resembles any indication of the future.

Brent M. McPherson and his partner Ryan Stocker, both seniors at Minerva High School, received the Ohio Supercomputer Center (OSC) Award for their exceptional team project entered at State Science Day 1999. McPherson and Stoker were two of three students chosen for this prestigious award.

Ohio is in good hands if State Science Day resembles any indication of the future.

Joseph M. Kessler, a junior at Carroll High School, received the Ohio Supercomputer Center (OSC) Award for his exceptional project entered at State Science Day 1999. Kessler was one of three students chosen for this prestigious award.

The explosion of the Internet changed the way the world does business. It has affected the way we hire employees, transfer medical records and make sales transactions.

In addition, advances in technology outpace current practice, law and regulation. For firms, this endangers valuable proprietary data. Meanwhile, consumers may have private information exposed without their knowledge.


 The Ohio Supercomputer Center recently was appointed to the Congressional Internet Caucus Advisory Committee, which provides guidance to more than 100 Senators and Representatives who are examining Internet-related policy issues before Congress. OSC is the only Ohio higher education entity serving on the Committee.

The Ohio Supercomputer Center (OSC) is looking for high school freshmen and sophomores interested in investigating how advances in high performance computing and networking may change the way we work, play, shop and learn in the next century.

World history books are filled with the names and ideas of great thinkers -- Aristotle, Benjamin Franklin, Sigmund Freud, Peter Drucker, and now...ECLIPS?! According to, an online resource, the Ohio Supercomputer Center's (OSC) Technology Policy Group is officially a national think tank where issues like electronic commerce, policy, and law are concerned.

The Ohio Supercomputer Center (OSC) will present Collaborations for the 21st Century -- a showcase of projects setting the tone for Ohio's future in high performance computing and communications -- at SC98: High Performance Networking and Computing, Nov. 7-13, in Orlando.
