Ohio Supercomputer Center has released LAM 6.0, a major upgrade of its MPI implementation for UNIX-based clusters. The software is freely available from http://www.osc.edu/lam.html.
Among the new features in LAM 6.0 are an early implementation of MPI, process spawning, dynamic processor resources and fault tolerance.
LAM 6.0 runs out-of-the-box on IP networks connecting any of the major vendors' workstations in any combination. LINUX is also supported.
MPI is the industry standard API for message-passing in parallel applications. It has facilitated effort-less and efficient migration of parallel codes between various supercomputer architectures, including workstation clusters.
Ohio Supercomputer Center has a lengthy record of developing full-scale, production HPC software tools, created with the expertise of professional software engineers and with the influence of a diverse user community.
Distribution of LAM 6.0 is supported in part by the National Science Foundation under grant CCR-9510016.
For more information, contact LAM / MPI Parallel Computing, Ohio Supercomputer Center
Since 1987, the Ohio Supercomputer Center has been advancing the use of high-performance computing and communications resources. OSC positions Ohio universities and industries at the forefront of scientific research, development, and engineering.