Find out what the Ohio Supercomputer Center (OSC) is doing to give Ohio researchers in academia, industry, and government the competitive edge.
As a statewide resource, OSC offers high performance computing (HPC) workshops including a two-hour overview presentation packed with information about its hardware, software, network, services, and related resources.
The workshop, “High Performance Computing at OSC: An Overview,” will be held on Jan. 10, from 2:30 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. in OSC’s BALE theater. Workshop attendees will learn about:
OSC Networking
Accessing OSC resources
Programming environment
Statewide Users Group
"The HPC overview is an excellent opportunity for people to learn more about OSC,” said Jim Giuliani, OSC Science and Technology Support Manager. “In addition to learning about the latest HPC hardware and how to access these resources, it provides a very good opportunity to see what type of science is being done on our systems."
As a state-supported institution through the Ohio Board of Regents, OSC makes its resources available to Ohio academic researchers and their collaborators.
Registration is limited. To register or get more information, write, call 614/292-0890, or visit
About OSC
Celebrating 20 years of service, the Ohio Supercomputer Center (OSC) is a catalytic partner of Ohio universities and industries that enables Ohio to compete for international, federal, and state funding, focusing on new research and business opportunities. It provides a reliable high performance computing and high performance networking infrastructure for a diverse statewide/regional community including education, academic research, industry, and state government. OSC promotes and stimulates computational research and education in order to act as a key enabler for the state's aspirations in advanced technology, information systems, and advanced industries. For additional information, visit