What is the STEM Institute (SI)?

The Ohio Supercomputer Center (OSC) STEM Institute (SI) is a two-week residential summer camp that develops Ohio high schoolers’ STEM-related passions. Through high-impact learning experiences and immersive teamwork, students get real-world experience in the dynamic fields of high performance computing (HPC), networking, programming and visualization.

Working together in small groups with guidance and hands-on training from scientists, students apply the scientific method and solve complex problems using actual supercomputers. To make the experience especially well rounded, experts from the science, engineering, HPC and networking fields speak with the students about relevant topics and careers in science and engineering. This rare opportunity gives students an "insider's" perspective. Students also take field trips with a science and engineering spin.

OSC has offered the STEM Institute in partnership with The Ohio State University annually since 1989.

What is the Ohio Supercomputer Center?

The Ohio Supercomputer Center (OSC), located in Columbus, Ohio, empowers the innovations and discoveries of Ohio students, faculty, scientists, engineers and clinicians. By centralizing Ohio’s high performance computing at the Ohio Supercomputer Center (OSC), the state’s higher education and industry communities gain cutting-edge capabilities at unmatchable value. OSC delivers flexible, secure and reliable computational power and comprehensive client support at a fraction of the cost of similar commercial services or smaller standalone systems. Ohio’s academic and industrial communities alike benefit from OSC’s affordable, on-demand supercomputing that enables groundbreaking research and innovation throughout the state, leading to new products, services and breakthroughs in a vast array of disciplines.

What are the eligibility requirements for SI?

High school students in their freshman, sophomore or junior years who live in Ohio are eligible to apply for Summer Institute.

How do I apply?

Apply for the STEM Institute here. Applications require a teacher recommendation.

How are participants selected?

Capacity for the STEM Institute is limited and the selection process is competitive. OSC evaluates applications based on evidence of ability to work on a team and willingness to learn new STEM-related concepts.

Will I have free time?

SI isn't just about spending time in the classroom. Students take part in team building activities and tour facilities such as labs on Ohio State’s campus. Students also get a behind-the-scenes view of Ohio State's campus living and dining in the dorms.

What is the cost to participate?

OSC covers half of the cost of the SI program and materials, which includes staff time, meals and housing. The fee for participants reflects the other half of the cost of running the Summer Institute. The current fee is listed on the SI program homepage.

Where do participants eat and sleep?

Students stay in air-conditioned Ohio State dormitories with bed linens and towels included. OSC provides around the clock adult supervision. Lunches are served at the OSC facility, and students eat breakfast and dinner in Ohio State dining facilities.

How should I prepare?

Our preparations page goes into more detail about what to pack, what to expect and other related topics of interest.

Who can I contact to learn more?

Email us at si-contact@osc.edu or call (614) 688-8300.