
Owens Information Transition

Owens cluster will be decommissioned on February 3, 2025. Some pages may still reference Owens after Owens is decommissioned , and we are in the process of gradually updating the content. Thank you for your patience during this transition


OSC offers online and in-person training for new and advanced users on a variety of high performance supercomputing topics.

New! Online Training Courses

OSC has partnered with The Ohio State University to offer online training courses that clients can complete at their own pace at any time on the ScarletCanvas platform, Ohio State's public learning management system.

The first two available courses are:

“Introduction to OSC High Performance Computing Resources.” Designed primarily for new clients, the course reviews HPC concepts, hardware and software available for client use, storage and file systems, batch processing, how to start a new project and request resources, and how to use our web portal OnDemand.

"Batch System at OSC.” This course introduces the Slurm batch system used for submitting, running and managing jobs on OSC clusters. Topics include an overview of batch concepts and terminology, the batch execution environment, and example Slurm batch scripts.

"Getting Started with Cardinal" This course offers essential guidance for migrating jobs from other clusters to the Cardinal cluster at the Ohio Supercomputer Center (OSC). It covers essential topics such as hardware, software, programming environments, job scheduling, and the HBM feature to ensure a seamless transition and efficient job execution on the Cardinal cluster.

Visit the OSC course module on ScarletCanvas to enroll in and complete the courses. The courses are open to all current and potential OSC clients or anyone with an interest in high performance computing, regardless of affiliation with Ohio State.

Additional training courses will be added in the future.


Our staff regularly offer webinars on specific topics such as introduction to supercomputing at OSC, python environments, the batch system, and simple linear regression with R.

Visit the OSC events page to view a schedule and register for the training sessions, which typically run 90 minutes to two hours.


Multi-day virtual workshops cover supercomputing topics, such as RNA-seq data analysis, in greater depth for clients. Visit the OSC events page to learn about any necessary prerequisites, method of instruction delivery and more.    

On-Site Training

OSC staff can visit your campus to provide on-site training for your faculty, staff and students. Sessions can focus on new or advanced users on subjects such as network use, job control, operating systems, compiling systems, hardware specifications, parallel environments, performance analysis tools, debuggers and more. Please contact OSC Help to request a campus visit.
