Backup failures on ess filesystem
JupyterLab 3.0 available on Owens and Pitzer
JupterLab 3.0 is now available on Owens and Pitzer through OnDemand Jupyter app.
Rolling reboots on owens and pitzer starting 26 July 2021
Please review your usage of /fs/ess
Multi-factor authentication
MyOSC now supports multi-factor authentication (MFA).
User opt-in
Users can now opt-in to using multi-factor authentication in MyOSC.
On a user's profile page, there will be a button Enable DUO MFA.
There will be an error displayed with the text:
Problems with GPFS filesystem
myosc version 2.5-2.6
MyOSC client portal update
Version 2.5-2.6 summary
PI can view unofficial statements throughout the month
A new table is created which allows a PI to view an unofficial statement of the current period's usage which has not been billed yet. See billing statements page.
OSC offers online and in-person training for new and advanced users on a variety of high performance supercomputing topics.
New! Online Training Courses
OSC has partnered with The Ohio State University to offer online training courses that clients can complete at their own pace at any time on the ScarletCanvas platform, Ohio State's public learning management system.
The first two available courses are: