Steven I. Gordon, Ph.D., serves as the senior director of Education. He served as interim co-executive director from 2009-2012 and as deputy director from 1997-2003.
Gordon has overseen training programs for OSC users and led workshops for undergraduate faculty and graduate students both at OSC and as part of the SC08 and SC09 education program. Gordon also has played a significant role in several programs in Science Technology Engineering and Mathematics education for high school and middle school students. Those include the Summer Engineering STEM Academy and the Young Women's Summer Institute.
Gordon also is the founding director of the Ralph Regula School of Computational Science. With funding from the Ohio Board of Regents and several National Science Foundation grants, the School has built inter-disciplinary, inter-institutional programs for computational science education. Currently, fourteen Ohio institutions share an undergraduate minor program in computational science that started in 2007. An associate degree concentration program and a certificate program began in 2009.
Gordon serves as the national lead for education programs through the Extreme Science and Engineering Discovery Environment (XSEDE). The five-year, $121-million National Science Foundation project replaces and expands on the NSF TeraGrid project and constitutes the most advanced, powerful and robust collection of integrated advanced digital resources and services in the world.
As a professor of City and Regional Planning at The Ohio State University, Gordon teaches courses in geographic information systems and environmental modeling and undertakes research in watershed modeling and management. Gordon's research applies models of storm water runoff and water quality to the analysis of watershed management and the applications of communications technology to distance education. He has authored two books and a number of refereed publications in this area.
Gordon graduated cum laude from State University of New York at Buffalo with a bachelor's degree in geography. He earned his master's and doctoral degrees from Columbia University in geography with a specialization in environmental systems.
Areas of Expertise
Computational science education
Computational science in the workplace
Distance education