Press Releases

An innovative web-based portal for accessing high performance computing services has matured beyond the beta phase and now is available to HPC centers worldwide.

The Ohio Supercomputer Center (OSC) has launched Open OnDemand 1.0, an open-source version of OSC OnDemand, the Center’s online, single-point-of-entry application for HPC services.

Columbus, Ohio (Aug. 24, 2017) – Sultana Nahar, Ph.D. wants more scientific advances and discoveries, and she wants them now.

Her strategy? Teaching research-based courses.

Columbus, Ohio (Aug. 14, 2017) – A broad array of system administrators, developers, researchers and students who share an interest in the MVAPICH open-source library for high performance computing will gather at the Ohio Supercomputer Center (OSC) Aug. 14-16 for the fifth meeting of the MVAPICH Users Group (MUG).

COLUMBUS, Ohio — The Ohio Supercomputer Center played a critical role in helping researchers reach a milestone mapping the growth of the universe from its infancy to present day.

The new results released Aug. 3 confirm the surprisingly simple but puzzling theory that the present universe is composed of only 4 percent ordinary matter, 26 percent mysterious dark matter, and the remaining 70 percent in the form of mysterious dark energy, which causes the accelerating expansion of the universe.

Hongyu Chen, graduate assistant in economics at Ohio State, used OSC to uncover data that could influence future student loan legislation. 

In 2017, 44.2 million Americans held student loan debt, totaling more than $1.4 trillion, according to the U.S. Federal Reserve.

Fifteen Ohio middle school girls were chosen to spend a week of their summer break investigating complex science problems while discovering career opportunities in the science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) fields.

The Owens Cluster is the most powerful supercomputer in OSC history. 

The Ohio Supercomputer Center recently displayed the power of its new Owens Cluster by running the single-largest scale calculation in the Center’s history.

Scientel IT Corp used 16,800 cores of the Owens Cluster on May 24 to test database software optimized to run on supercomputer systems. The seamless run created 1.25 Terabytes of synthetic data.

Twenty Ohio high school students were selected to attend the Ohio Supercomputer Center’s 28th annual Summer Institute, June 4-16 at The Ohio State University. These academically gifted students will investigate complex science and engineering problems while discovering the many career opportunities in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) fields.

Research using Ohio Supercomputer Center resources continues to break new ground, and OSC clients continue to gain more high performance computer power and a better experience.

Nearly 100 attendees gathered at the Ohio Technology Consortium building for the conference, which featured a keynote address from NVIDIA’s Jonathan Bentz, breakout sessions on a variety of topics and the ever-popular poster and flash talk competitions. Participants presented 24 posters and 10 flash talks with winners receiving 5,000 resource units of time on OSC systems while runners-up gained 2,500 resource units.

Jesse Owens at 1936 Olympics in Berlin, Germany

J.C. “Jesse” Owens possessed both elite speed and raw power, which he honed and blended on his way to winning four Olympic gold medals in 1936.

Those impressive traits—elite speed and raw power—now are shared by the newest and most powerful supercomputer in the history of the Ohio Supercomputer Center, a system which, appropriately, is named for the late Ohio-raised sprinter.
