Press Releases

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American Fiber Systems, Inc.
John Marchaesi
585-340-5400 x130

Dark Fiber Provides Ultimate Broadband Connectivity Throughout Greater Cleveland Area, Universities and Research Institutions

The ADEC Bill Murphy Barrier Buster Award was presented to the National Science Foundation Technology and Application Team for its work associated with the implementation of multicast and the National Videoconference on April 2, 2003. The award was presented at the All ADEC Meeting May 1-2, 2003, in San Antonio.

OSC's High Performance Computing (HPC) Division announces that Itanium computing clusters have been awarded to five Ohio higher education institutions. Nineteen researchers submitted proposals in the competition for academic cluster computers.

Faculty researchers were encouraged to submit proposals that highlighted cluster-style parallel computing, shared scientific visualization tools, and distributed network computation applications.

The Third Frontier Network (TFN), along with the Cincinnati Education Research Fiber Loop (CERF), will help create the nation’s most advanced research network. Eventually, TFN and CERF will serve libraries, hospitals, cultural institutions, and corporate research communities.

Ohio research groups participated in OSC’s Introduction to Bioinformatics Tools Workshop held on February 21 at OSC’s new BALE facility and through remote video streaming.

The course provided an overview of OSC’s resources including software packages and publicly available databases, statewide licensed products from LabBook, hands-on tutorials, functional capabilities of the TimeLogic DeCypher Genomic Accelerators, and more.

The San Diego Supercomputer Center (SDSC) at UCSD has been selected by Internet2 as a national Internet2 Technology Evaluation Center (ITEC). The mission of the center will be to test and evaluate leading-edge technologies for high-performance Internet2 networks—working with developers to test and refine network hardware and software for optimal end-to-end network performance up to 10 gigabits per second. Internet2 is a consortium led by more than 200 U.S. universities, working with industry and government to develop and deploy advanced Internet applications and technologies.

Computational Study of Ligand-Protein-Nanafiber Interactions for the Development of Biosensors
16-node cluster
Name: Dr. Jianping Zhu
Department: Department of Theoretical and Applied Mathematics
Position: Professor and Chair
Institution: University of Akron

Imagine being a node operator for an Access Grid (AG) event when the network audio becomes distorted. What should you do? Could it be a multicasting issue?

Node operators can now detect networking problems on the Access Grid using the latest in a series of online tutorials.

Boston University, the National Center for Supercomputing Applications (NCSA), and OSC (Ohio Supercomputer Center) are pleased to introduce "Access Grid Network Troubleshooting: A Guide for Technical Users," available on the NCSA WebCT server at

To promote parallel computing among Ohio faculty, OSC (Ohio Supercomputer Center) is soliciting a second round of faculty research proposals. OSC will distribute Itanium (64-bit) systems to winning participants.

"OSC wants to create an environment for faculty members who are willing to port or develop software for parallel systems. To do this, OSC will provide a number of cluster systems to awardees," said Leslie Southern, Interim HPC Director. "We are looking for faculty proposals on software development for clusters of Itanium-based computer systems."

OSC's (Ohio Supercomputer Center) nationally recognized workshops return this winter, offering several new courses for both beginner and advanced computer users.

OSC regularly provides workshops about new computing techniques and hardware and software resources at no cost to users. Remote workshops are also held through OSC's Access Grid node, an advanced audio-visual communications tool that transmits over Internet2.
