Press Releases

Internet2 announced recently that Upper Arlington, Ohio, resident Paul Schopis, director of networking for the Ohio Academic Resources Network (OARnet), has been reappointed by its board of trustees to serve a three-year term on the national networking consortium’s Architecture & Operations Advisory Council.

The direct experience of art transcends its procedural techniques, whether the pieces are elegant temples built thousands of years ago or images created with computers, said Charles “Chuck” Csuri, who recently presented “Beyond Boundaries” as a featured presenter for the Ralph Regula School’s Computational Science Lecture Series.

The recently established Telehealth Video Resource Center (TVRC) today officially launched a website to make the center’s videoconferencing services easily available to physicians and healthcare education professionals worldwide.

The TVRC web site,, provides visitors with videoconference hardware and software requirements, scheduling tools, telehealth news and instruction, an e-health forum, membership information and staff and advisory board biographical sketches.

With complex computer modeling programs fine-tuned at the Ohio Supercomputer Center, a team guided by researchers from OSC and Louisiana State University will be among the first to road-test the world’s second-fastest supercomputer.

The Ohio Supercomputer Center today announced the purchase of a $4 million expansion of its flagship supercomputing system, a strategic addition that will more than double the Center’s current computing power and memory, significantly increase the Center’s computational capacity dedicated to Ohio’s bioscience and research efforts and further increase the state’s competitive advantage.

U.S. Rep. Tim Ryan announced today a $1.6 million federal direct appropriation to establish a National Defense Center of Excellence in Industrial Metrology and 3D Imaging headquartered at Youngstown State University.

The center, funded by the U.S. Department of Defense Army Research Lab, will focus on developing and improving advanced manufacturing technologies for military and commercial uses that could have widespread economic impact across the Northeast Ohio region and throughout the United States.

Twenty years of toiling on high performance computing initiatives and in software engineering hasn’t dampened the enthusiasm for a career working in math and science for Leslie Southern at the Ohio Supercomputer Center (OSC).

Charles “Chuck” Csuri, the father of digital art and computer animation, will present “Beyond Boundaries” at 12:30 p.m., March 12, in BALE theater at the Ohio Supercomputer Center (OSC) on the west campus of The Ohio State University.

Some technologists see a day in the not-so-distant future when advances in videoconferencing will allow the quickly maturing technology to greatly enhance distance education, boost research collaboration and reduce travel and meeting costs.

Ohio computer users helped make President Barack Obama’s inauguration the most watched streaming video event in the Internet’s history, pushing network traffic over the state’s fiber-optic backbone to more than 8.1 gigabits – or 8.1 billion bits of digital information – per second.
