Press Releases

 Without ever leaving the nursery, fragile babies born at Chillicothe’s Adena Regional Medical Center are receiving clinical assessments from specialists an hour away at Nationwide Children’s Hospital — thanks to high-definition videoconferencing capabilities made possible via the Ohio Supercomputer Center.

With the deployment of the Ohio Supercomputer Center’s new IBM Cluster 1350, the State of Ohio is now home to the 65th fastest supercomputer in the world and the 9th fastest among U.S. academic supercomputer centers.

The Ohio Supercomputer Center Statewide Users Group and the Ralph Regula School of Computational Science present Wen-mei Hwu, Ph.D. as the next speaker for the Ohio Computational Science Lecture Series.

Video games – a perennial favorite for holiday gifts – could provide just the encouragement teenagers need to embrace the oft-dreaded high school science, math and technology courses.


As one of the esteemed scientists working with the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), David Bromwich’s research — conducted, in part, at the Ohio Supercomputer Center — on the changes in polar atmospheric circulation and Antarctic climate variability contributed to winning this year’s Nobel Peace Prize.


Governor Ted Strickland today directed the Ohio Broadband Council to oversee statewide efforts to expand broadband networking, as the council met for the first time since its creation earlier this summer.


Four regional telehealth networks that will leverage the speed and connections of OSCnet are among 69 projects nationwide receiving $417 million in federal funding to “significantly increase access to acute, primary and preventive health care in rural America.”

Ohio Supercomputer Center (OSC) today announced that it has selected distributed computing tools from The MathWorks to serve as one of the analytics software for its shared instrumentation and analytics projects. 

The Coalition for Academic Scientific Computation (CASC) announced the creation of a scholarship in memory of Dr. Charlie Bender, the founding chairperson of CASC and executive director of the Ohio Supercomputer Center during 1987-2002. Dr. Bender passed away just weeks before SC07, the annual international conference for high performance computing, networking, storage, and analysis.


Staff members at the Ohio Supercomputer Center (OSC) are being tapped for their valuable expertise to deliver numerous presentations at SC07, the International Conference for High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage and Analysis at the Reno-Sparks Convention Center in Reno, Nev., Nov. 10-16.

OSC experts will be making a series of presentations throughout the week from the center’s high-tech display booth on the exhibit floor. Among the 18 booth presentations, major topics will include:
