Press Releases


The Ohio Supercomputer Center and PolymerOhio announced today a partnership that will make Ohio’s polymer companies more productive and profitable through high performance computing applications.

Starting this month, students at nine Ohio college and university campuses will begin adding valuable computational science skills to their academic portfolio with the launch of a new, virtual minor program being coordinated by the Ralph Regula School of Computational Science.


A soldier’s ability to survive a mine blast greatly improves if armored vehicles are equipped with energy-absorbing seats, according to recent studies by a University of Cincinnati scientist.

Working with the University of Nevada at Las Vegas, Professor Ala Tabiei developed and evaluated a new seat design for personnel carriers and other non-tank vehicles that mitigates an explosion’s force inside the vehicle.


The U.S. manufacturing sector received a boost as it transitions to a globally competitive marketplace under a new Senate bill introduced today. The legislation will take the same supercomputing systems and applications used almost exclusively by Fortune 500 companies and make them scalable, accessible and affordable to small and medium-sized companies.




Governor Ted Strickland today issued an executive order announcing the Broadband Ohio initiative to extend the reach of Ohio’s broadband resources, further Ohio’s leadership in network innovation and improve technology access for all citizens throughout the state.


Governor Ted Strickland today issued an executive order announcing the Broadband Ohio initiative to extend the reach of Ohio’s broadband resources, further Ohio’s leadership in network innovation and improve technology access for all citizens throughout the state.

Amanda Wurst

By Joan Slattery Wall

Somnath Ghosh envisions a day when the lifespan of aircraft engines could be predicted with better certainty.

The variables involved, however, seem endless: How much load would the aircraft carry? What are the failure characteristics of each composite used in each part? How much impact could they withstand? What effect does natural degradation have over time?
