Charles “Chuck” Csuri, the father of digital art and computer animation, will present “Beyond Boundaries” at 12:30 p.m., March 12, in BALE theater at the Ohio Supercomputer Center (OSC) on the west campus of The Ohio State University.

Csuri’s interactive presentation is featured within a lecture series sponsored by OSC’s Ralph Regula School of Computational Science, in cooperation with the OSC Statewide Users Group and OSU’s Advanced Computing Center for the Arts and Design (accad).
Csuri is best known for pioneering the field of computer graphics, computer animation and digital fine art, creating the first computer art in 1964. In addition to being recognized as the father of digital art and computer animation by the Smithsonian Magazine, Csuri is seen as a leading pioneer of computer animation by the Museum of Modern Art (MOMA) and the Association for Computing Machinery Special Interest Group Graphics (ACM-SIGGRAPH).
As an “All-America” standout in football at Ohio State, Csuri turned down offers to play professionally after graduation in order to study art at the graduate level, along with contemporary Roy Lichtenstein. Painting and teaching at OSU, Csuri in 1964 became interested in the digital computer as a means of imaging when he saw a computer-generated face in a publication from the university’s department of electrical engineering. Between 1971 and 1987, while a senior professor at OSU, Csuri founded the Computer Graphics Research Group, the OSC Graphics Project and accad, a center dedicated to the development of digital art and computer animation.
In his lecture, “Beyond Boundaries,” Csuri showcases his work from the vector/plotter era of computer imaging to his recent work in algorithmic painting.
Faculty members, students and business people who are interested in computational modeling, visualization, animation, and art and its application in research, education and industry are invited to participate in the lecture series. The lecture series is part of the Ralph Regula School’s programming to improve the awareness and understanding of computer modeling and simulation. The lectures are intended to create a dialogue between a broad range of educational leaders in areas including K-12, undergraduate, graduate and industry workforce training.
Lectures are given at various locations around the state and carried live via Internet H.323 video and streaming video. Registration for the event, to attend in person or remotely, can be made at The registration site contains information on remote location videoconferencing requirements, as well as directions to BALE theater at OSC.
Sites or individuals wishing to participate in or watch these events remotely may also contact the Ohio Academic Resources Network (OARnet) Support Center ( to confirm the technological requirements for remote participation and attendance. Please reference “Ticket 51247” when contacting the center.
The Ohio Supercomputer Center (OSC) is a catalytic partner of Ohio universities and industries, providing a reliable high performance computing and high performance networking infrastructure for a diverse statewide/regional community including education, academic research, industry, and state government. OSC promotes and stimulates computational research and education in order to act as a key enabler for the state's aspirations in advanced technology, information systems, and advanced industries. For more, visit