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"The Ralph Regula School of Computational Science introduces innovative computational tools to the next generation of scientific researchers."
Program Director: Steven Gordon, Ph.D., Interim Co-Executive Director, Ohio Supercomputer Center
Funding sources:
National Science Foundation, Ohio Board of Regents, Ohio Learning Network
An innovative, statewide academic program focusing on computer modeling and simulation is growing the number and proficiency of highly skilled computational scientists populating Ohio's workforce. Coordinated through the Ohio Supercomputer Center's Ralph Regula School of Computational Science (RRSCS), the virtual program offers Ohio students the opportunity to earn a baccalaureate minor, associate degree or workforce certificate.
Computational science in recent years has become an increasingly important aspect of scientific and technological inquiry, producing great advances in areas such as product prototyping, DNA sequencing, behavioral modeling, global climatic prediction, drug design, financial systems and medical visualization.
"While previous investments in computational science have been primarily targeted at solving 'grand scientific challenges,' the Ralph Regula School program teaches Ohio students how to apply computational science to the challenges of business innovation and industrial research," said Steven Gordon, director of RRSCS.
Students at any participating institution can take nearly any computational science course offered by other participating institutions, because most are available as distance learning courses. The school, created through a National Science Foundation grant, coordinates the statewide curriculum, but does not offer degrees or certificates; each student's home institution evaluates student progress and confers awards.
For more information, see: www.rrscs.org