Friday, September 29, 2017 - 2:30pm to 3:30pm
Physics Research Building Room PRB1080 (aka Smith Seminar Room), OSU campus
Batch System at OSC and how to combine jobs
This is an intermediate workshop on how to use the batch system and strategies for combining jobs into one submission to get more work done.
- Review of Batch System at OSC
- Strategies for Grouping Jobs
- Exercises to try on your own
Who should attend
Researchers using OSC resources who want to know more about how to submit jobs to the batch queue and improve job efficiency.
There are no prerequisites.
Method of Delivery
Slide presentation and open discussion.
Useful sites to review in advance: Batch Processing at OSC, Multithreading Jobs
Please follow this link to register: REGISTER
Additional Information
Contact sends e-mail) with questions.