The Ohio Supercomputer Center (OSC) is looking for high school freshmen and sophomores interested in investigating how advances in high performance computing and networking may change the way we work, play, shop and learn in the next century.
Summer Institute '99: "Computing and Networking for the New Millennium," will be held July 12-23 at OSC in Columbus. Students will get hands-on experience using OSC's high performance computers and networking systems. They also will explore scientific investigation through collaborative team projects and intensive classes during this two-week residential program.
"This year's institute focuses on how teamwork and technology converge to advance science, engineering, and the arts," said Charlie Bender, Center director. "Through lectures and team projects, students will learn how computing and networking impact our society."
Academically outstanding freshmen and sophomores who are interested in science, engineering, mathematics, and computer information science are encouraged to apply. Applicants should be willing to work on a team. Computer programming experience is very beneficial. Applications are available online at For more information or to receive an application by mail, contact Victoria Sauber at 614/292-3768.
Summer Institute '99 is co-sponsored by The Ohio State University. Educational initiatives like the Summer Institute program, helps foster interest in computational science in Ohio's next generation of scientists and engineers.