- Describe what you think the relationship is between QHEI and IBI in these terms - As QHEI goes up IBI goes ??. As QHEI goes down IBI goes ??.
- Notice there is missing data for QHEI. Are there also places or times where the relationship you described in #1 does not work? Note the Place/Time number(s) where there are exceptions to this simple relationship.
- The reason that the QHEI and IBI have this pattern is because (choose the best answer and click on the letter)
- Better QHEI scores means there is better quality habitat for support fish including a meandering stream with a gravel bottom, well-shaded from the sun.
- Better QHEI scores means that there will be more algae, giving the fish more to eat.
- As IBI values go down, there is a better riparian zone.
- The riparian zone is always wider in places with a higher QHEI.