Attendance at SI Classes and Functions
SI participants are expected to attend all classes and planned activities. For the students' protection, attendance will be taken at each class, function and evening dorm check-in.
Leave of Absence
Except in emergency situations or by special arrangement with the SI staff, no students will be granted leaves of absence from SI scheduled activities.
Student Vehicles
SI students are asked to leave their cars, motorcycles, bicycles or other modes of transportation at home. During the program, no student is to ride in a vehicle unless accompanied by an SI staff member. Commuting students must be transported to and from the Center by parents or legal guardians.
As mentioned in the Expectations section, all SI participants must respect University property. Any damages to such property will be repaired at the expense of the parents of the participant causing the damage.
Grounds for Instant Dismissal
Violation of any of the following rules may result in immediate dismissal and parental notification. All traveling expenses will be covered by the parents of the dismissed student. Grounds for instant dismissal include:
- Possession or use of alcoholic beverages, illegal drugs or inhalants
- Stealing, lying or cheating under any circumstances
- Other chronic misbehavior such as poor attendance and uncooperative behavior
Geographical Boundaries
Keeping safety in mind, students are not permitted to go outside of these campus boundaries without SI staff supervision: south of 12th Avenue, north of Lane Avenue, east of High Street, west of Neil Avenue.
Conduct in the Dorms
Students must familiarize themselves with and follow the dorm’s rules (provided in participants' acceptance packages). In addition to the rules established by OSU Summer Conference Housing, the following rules must be observed by SI students:
- Students may only spend time in the public areas of the dorm (lobby, eating commons, game room) and on the floor where they are staying. Students are not permitted to visit the rooms of participants from other camps.
- Students must sign out (on the provided sheets) during evening free time. They must return to their floor and sign in before 9:00 pm.
- Students must be in their own rooms and observing quiet time at 11:00 pm.