Autumn's Webpage

My Information

  • Name: Autumn
  • Hometown: Kettering
  • Land Use: Suburban

My Field Trip to Darby Creek

We went to Big Darby Creek and caught gross little bugs. It shocked me at how much fun it is walking in the creek. Surprisingly,I was the onlyperson in our group who would touch the little crawdads.I even enjoyed testing the pH, hardness, DO, NO2, and phospates. Hopefully it wasn't the last time I visit Darby Creek.

Project Information

Our team is studying the Upper Hocking Watershed.

The project information is available here.

I use google to learn more about html.

Here is ywsi

Team Members

Name Hometown Land Use
Autumn Kettering Suburban
Rama Dublin Suburban
Annie Worthington Suburban

Top Three Favorite Things about YWSI

  1. Visiting the solar powered house
  2. Going to RPAC
  3. Making new friends