In preparation for the deployment of the Dell Pitzer Cluster in November 2018, OSC would like to invite members of the client community to be a part of the Pitzer Early User Program through an application process. Clients selected to participate would gain access to Pitzer hardware in advance of the final public deployment, with the ability to run jobs at no charge. In exchange, OSC asks these users to work closely with our staff to identify problems in the environment.
Who is eligible to apply?
All PIs who have active projects at OSC.
Application deadline
Friday, October 5, 2018
How to apply
Complete the form below.
Good candidates are:
- Able to test new functionality of Pitzer including GPU ML/DL features and 3TB memory node. You can review the technical specifications for Pitzer here (we will keep updating the Pitzer webpage).
- Willing to provide feedback to OSC staff and agree to fill out a survey during the program. See here for example questions.
- Tolerant of failed jobs, disruptions to work, and zero notice outages, as we may have to frequently kill jobs or disrupt scheduling.
- Active in SUG, previous Owens early users who provided feedback, and/or otherwise supportive of OSC.
- Representative of the diversity of our clients. We would like to include different types of workload and include universities from across the state, but the breadth of our selection will depend heavily on limits of staff time to install the necessary software.
- These packages for academic purposes WILL NOT be available during early user period due to license server or software challenges: Ansys, Schrodinger, Abaqus, COMSOL, Star-CCM+, and TotalView Debugger.
- We will inform all users who have been accepted by the early user program by Monday, October 15, 2018.
- We cannot guarantee that everyone who applies will be a part of the program; however, we plan to open the system up to all OSC clients as soon as it is stable.
- Please feel free to contact OSC Help if you have any questions.