Ohio Supercomputer Center
Bale Theater
XSEDE along with the Pittsburgh Supercomputing Center are pleased to announce a one day Big Data workshop, to be held August 4, 2015.
This workshop will focus on topics such as Hadoop and Spark. As is the case with all of the XSEDE HPC Workshop series, this event will feature a large portion of hands-on exercises.
Due to demand, this workshop will be telecast to several satellite sites.
This workshop is NOT available via a webcast.
You may attend at any of the following sites.
* Pittsburgh Supercomputing Center
* Ohio Supercomputer Center
* University of Houston, Clear-Lake
* Georgia State University
* Purdue University
* Michigan State University
* University of Houston
* NASA Langley Research Center
* George Washington University
* Pennsylvania State University
* University of Delaware
* King Abdullah University of Science and Technology
Register via the XSEDE Portal:
For more information regarding this event, please visit the following web page:
Please address any questions to Tom Maiden at tmaiden@psc.edu.