1224 Kinnear Rd. Columbus, OH 43212
OSC made the difficult decision to cancel the Spring 2020 SUG Conference.
Discussions for Fall 2020 will begin as soon as we receive guidance on University events, around mid-July.
The purposes of the SUG Conference are to:
- foster connections
- update OSC's user base on the Center's direction
- highlight new scientific developments produced using OSC resources
- obtain constructive feedback as to the future of OSC and our role in supporting science across Ohio
We will host a keynote address within an area of interest to OSC clients. Free lunch and afternoon appetizers will be provided. In order to enable interactions between the current/potential OSC clients and OSC staff, our staff will be present to answer questions throughout the day.
Directions and Hotel Information
Questions? Please contact OSC Help.
Information and Deadlines
General Registration: Opens February 13, 2020 - Closes March 26, 2020
Submission of Abstracts for Flash Talks/Posters: Opens February 13, 2020 - Closes March 15, 2020
Submission for Poster Judging: Opens February 13, 2020 - March 15, 2020
Notification of Poster/Flash Talk Acceptance: March 20, 2020
Poster Judge Confirmation: March 25, 2020
Optional Poster Printing: April 2, 2020
Flash Talk & Poster Competition

We will have a flash talk and poster session to highlight the research and emerging ideas from OSC clients. Talks and posters will be selected from abstracts submitted via the registration form at the bottom of this page. We will contact you to notify you of your flash talk or poster acceptance. At that time, a link will be provided for you to upload your flash talk file or poster file for printing.
- Flash talks and posters will be judged by volunteers from OSC and outside institutions.
- The posters should be 32" tall and 45" wide. (NOTE: OSC offers to print out posters free of charge)
We encourage posters by students just starting their work, to show creative ideas on how high-performance computing will enhance their research.
To learn how these competitions will be scored, please see below.
All feedback from the poster and flash talk sessions will be sent to the presenter. We ensure that there is no identifying information submitted with the feedback.
Poster judges come from a variety of backgrounds, disciplines, and institutions. In order to volunteer as a poster judge, you must not be a participant in the competition. If you are eligible, this will appear as a question upon registration. Alternatively, please contact OSC Help.
Flash talks will be judged by two OSC staff members and the audience. We trust that participants will not judge their own presentation, as this is anonymous.